my heart broke when Jace that conversation with Noah. FUCK him. First of all why would you say that. Second of all I hate when they say that and then attack the persons spouse for NO REASON. It’s not even like Noah could’ve controlled that Allen liked him and it’s not even Jaces fucking business. Why don’t you go ask your brother if he wants fucking children fuck off.
I hate it when people say that when you'll have kids you'll be happy. Like fuck off, who are you to tell anyone about their happiness. Just because you are happy to have kids it doesn't mean the others have to be too...
my heart broke when Jace that conversation with Noah. FUCK him. First of all why would you say that. Second of all I hate when they say that and then attack the persons spouse for NO REASON. It’s not even like Noah could’ve controlled that Allen liked him and it’s not even Jaces fucking business. Why don’t you go ask your brother if he wants fucking children fuck off.