I like how this story portrayed the side of the "previous" FL before a character teleports...

Fujoshigurl May 11, 2020 8:23 pm

I like how this story portrayed the side of the "previous" FL before a character teleports to another world. Most of these webtoons with similar themes usually portray the consciousness of the one who transmigrated and nobody ever goes deep into the feelings of the ones left as a cannon fodder. Maybe it's just a case for me since i never came across this type of reverse webtoons so it is kinda refreshing.

Although I'm still in the early chapters but so far I disapprove of the action of the emperor (same as most of the readers). Still I wanna know what made the emperor hate the FL so much? That means to stay I will continue to read this even this is frustrating and will eventually hurt me. Now I shall go back to reading since I've said my piece. Good day to you and may you stay at home and safe for COVID19. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anonymous May 12, 2020 1:54 pm

    Contains spoilers

    In the past life, the prince was jealous of Tia and he was poisoned without knowing by duke Jenna. The poison grew his anger and duke Jenna kept badmouthing about Tia. The prince had faith because the duke was like a father to him but in fact he was using him.