I can understand why Sasha and her story doesn't pick your interest. But for me she, her accomplishments and involvements with others are unique nuanced enough.
I also liked the beginning of Yulia's arc but then it went to a direction that was too predictable for me. Bevor the manga version I discovered somehow the covers of the novel I was Reincarnated and Now I’m a Maid.
From my point of view Yulia is depicted in this artwork more mature, alluring, serene and confident despite looking plain. I thought she was going to be a mysterious dignified background character that can really make others speechless. Imagine my disappointment when I started to read the translated novel and manga chapters.
Other unexpected heroines with glasses would be Kanoko from Warau Kanoko-sama + Sequel Koi dano Ai dano and Hibiki - Shousetsuka ni Naru Houhou.
The first one is a very shrewd observer and the other one is... well... merciless.
Both are considered plain by Japanese beauty standards but they are unapologetic weird and strong in their own way.
It is really a very productive conversation.

Death is the only ending for a villainess or beware of the villainess! These are just two reincarnated that i named that I believe is far more interesting than Yulia and Sasha. I disagree about this manga being predictable only because I only read about 3 chapters so I can’t exactly fully say it will be predictable or not with only the first 3 chapters at least up until chapter 10 that when i can fully give a true comment on the story but so far it’s alright. Now it does seems like it gonna be the usual girl and two boys like her but hm I can’t tell after only reading 3 chapters unlike with the pet of the villainess it’s just really predictable which make me not want to continue. “Prince is made to be the bad guy while the heroine reincarnated and is actually a evil girl that fakes being nice and sweet but potentially could turn nice with help, The villainess was actually nice and sweet and truly loves the prince but because of him mistreating her she be colds to him and break the engagement.” but i do the like the villainess in the story alot. In my opinion she is far more interesting than Sasha.

Penelope Eckhart is a very interesting complex character but it frustrates me very much that she is forced to play under a otome system that restrict most of her movements, decisions and free will. I can't stand seeing her being that tortured and powerless at the beginning of her story. Even though her situation gets better, I hate the fact that she had to (indirectly) get love points from all the male characters around her to survive and being accepted....! Spoiler: She ends up with the psycho king who almost killed her.
I think Melissa from "Beware of The Villainess" has been recently the break out star and the big talk in this forum. She also became one of my favourite characters so far.
She likes being a bitch and she doesn't give a damn about the male leads who are shitty.
I also like Rebecca who was able to become more emancipated and far superior than prince Johannes. But let's not forget it was little Sasha who became her secret therapist that showed her other better options. I ve read the released raws and some spoilers, in my opinion the story about Sasha, Rebbecca and Ace is not that generic or predictable.
But even if I can convince you it is true, it doesn't change your dislike about Sasha and her story. And no matter how many commentors are defending Yulia, it won't change my disappointment about her.

Of course. At the end of the day you have your opinion and i have mines the only way it could possibly change is if the character in either story does something you like. I’m pretty sure a lot of people (me being one of them) is fine with you not liking Yulia they just don’t like how you express it/said it. Sure Sasha did help Rebecca that is no lie but at the end of the day I still not a fan of her nor do i like the manga. It typical and basic to me. But those characters do show growth and it actually has a plot that isnt all over the place. But I’m most likely isn’t gonna continue reading that.
And the spoiler to penelope story i dont know if that really true since i read some raws and the story wasnt completed but then again it could be true I won’t know without proof.
"Yulia is unfortunately a classic Asian pushover with no life on her own.
Other characters especially males keep bothering her and she react very weak and powerless."
After seeing so many negative comments about my remark, let me clarify what I actually meant:
The MC reminds me of that type of heroine in Chinese, Korean and Japanese dramas/stories that gets pushed around by many characters. Despite her indi-vidual strenght and witts she always gets kinda easily swayed by male characters who has higher status than her.
Her dedication and self-sacrifice towards to her foster child princess is very admi-rable.
I don't mind that she is reserve or nice. But it does bother me that she can't really stand up the flirtatious King or her irresponsible father. (I ve read some translated chapters the novel version and her reaction towards these men are too lenient).
I prefer the MC from "From Maid to Mother".
Lily is a strong kind feminine character that has no special abilities or powers aside the fact she is reincarnated and has useful knowledge from her previous life.
Be it a powerful king/prince, knight, elf or magician she stands up to them and criticize their misconducts no matter what. She defends helpless misunderstood children (Princess and foster child of Mage), protects and takes good care of them. She doesn't get intimidated by anyone or flustered in front of big strong hunks. She knows how to use her words to talk back.
If you read this manga/novel, you may understand why Lily would be more stronger and level-headed than Yulia.
I apologize for my reckless remark. I should have rephrase it better and be more specific.
But I am not going to change my mind about Yulia.