I think it’s just me but I hate ukes who cry “don’t hurt him!” After they been molested by the person they’re protecting, like I’m not sure if they think they’re being brave or generous but letting someone like that go could mean someone’s else demise. I mean yeah, at least now the wolf will get the fruit but it didn’t necessarily have to be him.
Exactly for once i would like to see a uke whos just like "ha i think we should cut off your dick as punishment " like honesty a sadistic uke is nice once in a while
I feel like it's more of him losing so many people in his life and death of someone scares him cause it will be his fault and he feels responsible for his mother's death (tho it's not his fault) he got ptsd of people dying cause of him ( ̄∇ ̄")
I feel like it's more of him losing so many people in his life and death of someone scares him cause it will be his fault and he feels responsible for his mother's death (tho it's not his fault) he got ptsd of ... Galactic Hell Kitty
I think since it hasn’t updated in such a long time I forgot that part, that makes sense but in this scenario he was nearly raped, I think I just have a discontent with rapists being free.
I think it’s just me but I hate ukes who cry “don’t hurt him!” After they been molested by the person they’re protecting, like I’m not sure if they think they’re being brave or generous but letting someone like that go could mean someone’s else demise. I mean yeah, at least now the wolf will get the fruit but it didn’t necessarily have to be him.