any recomendation !? Please let there be some!

Zuzulu May 10, 2020 7:30 pm

where the FL doesn't become subservient to the ML (specialy in the emotional and seduction departments). If I read another instance where the FL just "melts" or "can't resist" the MLs advances and the phrases "You know you like it" or "your mouth says no but your heart says yes" and their variations I'm seriously gonna puke.
That and the FL always getting teased and treated like a child! (seriously who likes this shit?)

the only instance I've read so far is Empress from another world and the Villainess reverses the hourglass novel

please help me I need an assertive FL for more than 10 chapters after meeting the ML,
(are all the women in this world sudenly shy virgins that climax with a minimum of stimulus!? wtf !)

(Oh it doesn't need to show sex scenes, it's just the way the sex/emotional dinamic is so polarized with men dominating women that f-ing annoys me to no end, I seriously hate that trope and needed to rant a bit)
