I haven't rechecked yet, but i vaguely remember him saying the prev chap (one when they confronted each other) that he agreed assuming the other is aware of the open relationship. Although the mention of open relationship from uncle pan is vague itself. In my understanding, what he meant by that was that they're in a kind of relationship that doesnt necessarily need any emotional attachment. But that's just my opion, can't really be sure of what uncle pan really meant haha

Ah no. Now that I have re-read it, I kinda misunderstood some things. He didn't say he agreed instead he said he didn't refuse. And regarding the open relationship, it wasn't the actual term used but I understood as the same. Although now that I think about it, I guess " relationship without a label" is the more accurate phrase to use? Or "fling" since uncle didn't deny when Qui asked him if he was 'cuasually playing'? Ah Idk anymore, I'll just wait for the updates haha

This is honestly the most wholesome comment here and I am so happy and wholeheartedly agree.
I'm tired of comments that kept bashing or justifying the characters no matter if it's pan or qiu.
This break is needed between them and it's good that qiu is trying to better himself. Pan could also take the time to sort himself out. Both hopefully mature tgt and reach an understanding that a functioning relationship needs.
Tho I kinda feel yuyang qiu is kinda bias and one-sided? Then again his opinion towards qiu isn't the best hahah.
I understand the both of them. But just to point out, in relation to the previous chapter and Uncle Pan's behaviour all throughout the story, I believe he's really not insecure over wanting to have a more long-term and serious relationship. If anything, it was the opposite. He mentioned he only agreed to date Qui assuming the later understood that the relationship they had is open. He's clearly interested with Qui but his insecurity falls on a different matter. Probably something regarding his previous relationship. I got the idea when Qui saw his picture when he was young and the incident with his ex before he decided to date Qui. It's quite intriguing how he decided to meet the ex and spend a steamy weak with him yet he also cut him off as if he never really cared. With his loose and detached emotional attachment to people, I guess him "being used to being alone" in addition to the age gap is what's really going on here. But seeing that he's missing bb redhead here is satisfying. He may be starting to realize that despinte being used to be alone, he still want MOONCAKE by his side. Although I feel hurt for Qui, their time apart with each other might be a good thing for Qui as well. Even brokenhearted, he still went and became serious with his studies. So, let's enjoy seeing Uncle Pan being a tsun and kuu for awhile.