I really want to like this but...

Print May 8, 2020 8:25 pm

I just can't with the FL, like c'mon man... It's pretty integral for Ain to have a noble's training (since that's his future job), and to build a tolerance to poison (Mithridatism) is pretty normal in this sort of political structure... Plenty of people in our history have done this, especially nobles and royals. In fact, if she coddles him now, how will he survive later on (ignoring the fact that this is all an act since FL doesn't know)? It's definitely not something that should be done in our society, due to the decrease of political assassinations on children using poison, but circumstance is important...

    Print May 8, 2020 8:50 pm

    Just finished reading the updates (Thank you LonelyAF scan! :D) and I'm even more disappointed.... After being explained that Ain is only taking a controlled dosage, FL straight up ignores that and just say "ITS BARBARIC", which yeah... for you it is... but...if you actually thought about other people and their circumstance you would realize that this is necessary for Ain to survive... Also the dad clearly went through the same thing, except the poison intake wasn't even controlled, so Ain is going through an education that is thought out... BUT THE FL straight up takes over his education, even though she's only a DAYCARE TEACHER (NOT EVEN QUALIFIED TO TEACH A GROWN ASS KID - since her qualifications would been EARLY CHILDHOOD education (0-8)) SHE'S NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO TEACH HIM NOBLE DUTIES (Politics, Geography etc.)AND SWORD FIGHTING (Which can be pretty important for him later on) so why does she think that's a good thing for Ain?

    ONE THING THAT I AGREE WITH FL: is that the dad shouldn't be viewing his kid as some sort of evil manipulator since he's just a kid, growing up in an environment that has forced him into this mindset. To speak about your child like that is just screwed up and hypocritical. Be proud that your kid is even able to go through the training you put him through, jeez...

    Anonymous May 8, 2020 9:09 pm
    Just finished reading the updates (Thank you LonelyAF scan! :D) and I'm even more disappointed.... After being explained that Ain is only taking a controlled dosage, FL straight up ignores that and just say "IT... Print

    I think she meant taking control as far as hiring the teachers that are going to teach him... They're the ones who are instilling those values in him after all. Her character thus far is aligned with her background as daycare supervisor. It would be concerning if none of this bothered her... Her job id literally to PROTECT children and make sure they get home safe. Not to justify a grown up's abuse.

    Chichi May 8, 2020 9:17 pm

    i totally agree with u, its not like the modern world.. especially with the chide family's rep