PREACH... I have nothing to contribute, but just wanted to say thank you for this comment, cuz it was like looking into a mirror!

I used to have something with a guy (I'm bi myself too) and when I told him that I was bi, he tried to convince me that I'm just lying to myself and that everybody's been saying that as a cover up, so that people wouldn't bully them and that I should finally realize that I'm gay.
A former friend, a girl, who I told that I'm bi, was like "are you a faggot or straight? Decide on one", because later I found out that she liked me and wanted to make sure that I fit in her picture. If I didn't cut off the contact with her, she would've done it, if I pretended to be gay.
No matter if straight or gay, you really never win as a bisexual individual...

I wish I could like your comment more than once! I've personally experienced guys turning quite nasty when they're rejected, and seen it happen to others. It's like they feel entitled to acceptance if they've expressed interest, and just can't accept the idea that they can't have what they want.
As you said, of course she doesn't turn nasty in this manga. But it's the same sort of mentality of not respecting that others have no obligation to do or feel what you want them to. Nobody can force someone to like them. Persisting when they've said, politely and honestly, that they're not interested is a) disrespectful to them, and b) pathetic. Have some dignity.

IKR? I’m not bi myself (I’m aro ace so I guess you could say I’m literally nothing hahaha) but I have many various LGBT friends including of course bi people. I remember back when I had my first roommates, a gay guy with who I got along pretty well (we’re still very good friend) we only lived together for a little bit when he said to me “I don’t think bisexuality really exist”. I remember being so so shocked at that time. Like, it’s the first time I think I realized biphobia was a thing. I think before that I never thought it possible for people to invalidate bisexuality’cause why would you? Why can you be attracted to the opposite gender or the same gender but not both? How is it less legit? It just seemed so stupid to me especially because pansexuality is also a thing I never realized such people existed. Lucky for me after I explained to him why what he said was utterly stupid he changed his way of seeing thing but until now the way some people say bisexuality isn’t real still baffles me. I really can!t get my mind around why.

I'm bi and yeah, bi invisibility and biphobia is depressing! I've had to explain it to quite a few people who have asked me about it all confused or disbelieving (or occasionally sleazy). Some of them have said stuff like "what, can't you make up your mind whether to be gay or straight?" or "so you just want to fuck everyone?" Or - actual quote - "So if I dated you I could have threesomes all the time?"
It annoys me that some people don't get that "they have to be a specific gender" simply isn't part of the criteria for me to like a person. That seems pretty easy to understand.
Personally, I actually find it a bit weird that straight and gay people can exclude the possibility of liking someone purely based on gender and/or genitalia! Like, maybe they meet their absolute soul mate, someone they think is the most amazing person in the whole world, and they might even be able to see objectively that the person is very attractive... but because they have certain bits or are a certain gender, they can only ever be a potential friend, not a romantic or sexual interest. Yet I still manage to accept that straight and gay sexual identities (among others) exist!

Well as someone that is aro and ace I actually get the being able to see objectively that the person is very attractive and yet having any romantic or sexual desire towards them even if they feel like absolute soulmates :’) this and that are totally different. I find many people very beautiful and I enjoy hugging and all with them but more than that is a big no no and I wouldn’t want to date them either. It’s not that easy.
But yeah not understanding does not give the right to invalidate.
And oh yeah that threesome comments uuuugh feel terrible and to close to home. For lesbians too!The number of time I went to party with friends a creepy dude was sticking to us and we ended up saying we were lesbians for him to left alone yet he was all like” oh I don’t mind we can do a threesome” like. Dude?? And who the fuck decided being bi meant you were poly???

Best example is of Furuta Junko.

This thread made my day. Bigirl here too. In my case, a "straight" girl I was about to sleep with suddenly called her best friend (a guy) and tried to have a threesome because it was her dream and thought I wouldn't care because I was bi. It was very frustrating and the guy, who was a sweetheart, understood that I was uncomfortable with the situation and left. As a person who is very shy about sex and has many insecurities, the girl assuming I'm kinky or something like that just because I'm bisexual was hurtful.
I hate to think how she and her friend will handle a straight or bi man rejecting her. *eye roll*
She's acting like men do here tbh. Can't handle no. Even though I'm bi, I just tell persistent men I'm gay because often they act like assholes if you don't like them for any other reason. I've heard of women being assaulted because they rejected a man. Ridiculous. She obviously didn't assault him but the point is that no one owes you a reason. No matter how much it hurts, you are not entitled to a reason that suits you.