This is why I hate public proposals

Ririko May 7, 2020 4:02 pm

Okay MC is weak but if you were put on the spot like that I think you’d fucking panic too. ML could have told her in private as well. Even if MC pull him aside or made some vague answer after that public confession, people would still be talking about it and seeing it as a rejection.

We know she’s already not a strong woman at least not in a conventional way but she doesn’t deserve all the hate since she had been trying to prevent his fall. Yes, she’s selfish and stupid to chase after him even after knowing she has a soulmate out there but if you’ve ever experienced love you’d know that thinking logically doesn’t come with it.

They are humans and they have faults but she could have done worse. She managed to save a few lives by being with ML so far and that’s a win in my book.

    KNS May 7, 2020 4:24 pm

    Yeah but it;s not like she doesn't know the story. She know exactly why he went crazy in the first place and why she's there. If she was actually committed to saving him from the villian future, she would have. She been half arsing it this WHOLE time. I'm sorry but this is definitely not an accurate portrayal of how a 21st century girl, would act in that situation.

    Ririko May 13, 2020 7:00 pm
    Yeah but it;s not like she doesn't know the story. She know exactly why he went crazy in the first place and why she's there. If she was actually committed to saving him from the villian future, she would have.... KNS

    What do you mean? She’s been there the whole damn time trying to save him. It’s not like she forced him to fall in love with her. She’s stuck in some weird ass world with different sets of standards and she’s from Korea. Can you just imagine the amount of culture shock she had to face?

    Also not every person out here in the 21st century has the mental capacity or health to act in that kind of situation.