gosh, and what if they had uenoyama sing it if they come out w a season two? the person who voices him actually has a better singing voice than that of mafuyu's. anyways, i'm tired of how ueno gets treated in this, and is mafuyu even really ready to be in love if he still had all that in him? gahhh give me more of haruki, he's my favorite character out of the whole manga. :)

actually i've been doubting mafuyu's feelings for uenoyama too, because sometimes it seems like he's not ready to have a relationship yet and it shows on his actions. But that was on the past because now i feel bad for him for carrying a burden for being 'the cause' of Yuki's death, though for me it's not really his fault. And i hope after this quarantine they will release the MOVIE along with the SEASON 2

i agree, yuki's death is not mafuyu's fault. but like real life, there are people who feel like it is when someone commits suicide. they wonder how they couldn't see it, that they should have been there more, if only they didn't fight, if only certain words weren't the last words said, and the list can go on. truth is, those who end up taking their lives have a whole bunch of demons they've been dealing with. sometimes the happiest looking people, are the saddest and most loneliest. mafuyu finally let the burden go w his song, and if he really loves/cares for uenoyama, he needs to show him now.

yeah, since as the story goes and the plot somewhat changes, you can see mafuyu finally getting lover Yuki's death and socializing with his new and old friends, but the thing is he is still having trouble showing uecchi his true feelings and like hazuki said in the last chapter that's how mafuyu is, he chose to seclude his true feelings to himself only and if uecchi pursue mafuyu to show him his true feelings, mafuyu would just ignore the topic and seclude himself more. But i also can see that he really love uecchi, like the other chapter where he and Akihiko is spending so much time together and uecchi is jealous and ignores mafuyu but mafuyu don't know what he did so he asked uenoyama but uenoyama chose to ignore the topic, and when uecchi was about to leave the scene mafuyu stopped him and said if they weren't going to fix their problems now it will be too late, it just means he really treasures uenoyama and their relationship and doesn't want to end up like Akihiko and the violin guy(sorry i forgot his name). I want to see more character developments and growths, tbh i really love this manga, since it's not like other mangas that focuses on sexy scenes and the two mc, in this manga you can see it focuses more on the MCs' development along with the side characters.
i kinda hate this because uecchi is being treated as if he's 'just' mafuyu's boyfriend and not 'his' boyfriend it seems like they're underestimating him and saying that 'oh he's just mafuyu's boyfriend i still root for yuki' kind of way, but i love it because uecchi is so kind despite he hate to doi it, he did it for mafuyu and for his pride ya'know, i wish i could hear the song even though i knew it's a love song. I don't hate yuki guys ok? it's just i feel bad for uecchi for being treated like that. but seriously Yuki x Mafuyu and Uenoyama x Mafuyu hits differently :)).