Oh wow.

kaito98 May 6, 2020 6:19 am

That was not what I expected at all! I thought this was going to be another typical smut manga where they just have sex and don't communicate and the author presents serious issues and just glosses over them. But this...wow. It's perfectly written. The pain, the heartache, the mental health issues, even the lack of communication was realistic! Usually it's just a yaoi trop and so frustrating but here, it makes perfect sense! This webtoon is not for the faint of heart and not fluffy or light. If anyone wants a realistic story about dealing with grief and guilt with some humor and heart ache this is it!
There were so many iconic moments and lines, but one that really stuck with me "We are taking a step into the present." So perfectly sums up the emotional pain and journey they both went through and are finally ready to start living again.
I won't forget this story anytime soon and I'll have to reread it for those iconic lines and moments.
