My What if???

儺納_8 May 17, 2020 2:12 am

What if Chiwoo gave him a chance when they met again or what if during the fall Jihyun protected him so instead of Chiwoo his the one who got badly injured would that make him realize that Jihyun just love him so much that his world is nothing but darkness w/o him

Hmmm what if he tried to killed himself in front of Chiwoo in the hospital maybe then he will see that his really sorry and didn't meant that to happen then later he will finally be good a guy coz seriously lack of communication is what lead to these mess. Plus Chiwoo is indecisive. If he just clearly and properly denies Jihyuns feelings when he keeps on checking it back then
I don't think they will end up like that.

Oh gosh why I’m so affected
_| ̄|○

----- Note: This is just MY what if OK
If u don't like it or disagree that's totally fine I'm just stating my thoughts. I ain't forcing anybody. Besides there's also manga with that kind set up and they end up together. *If I came accross it again gonna link it here*
Plus, you can make ur OWN.

    Jesss May 5, 2020 8:39 pm

    oh hun, i pray you are kidding. Everything you mentioned is what abusive, manipulative people do. They give you love, and then do things to guilt you into staying. Into thinking you are changing. They say that they will commit suicide if you arent with them.

    it wasnt lack of communication that caused this mess, but the fact that the uke was raped. Please dont blame the victim, even if he didnt respond to jihyuns feelings it doesnt excuse anything he did. Especially by the time they reunited he was too afraid to reject him.

    K-ty08 May 6, 2020 12:43 am

    It's not that I'm blaming Chiwoo I was just saying his at fault too for being indecisive

    K-ty08 May 6, 2020 12:54 am

    It's not being manipulative.
    It's clear that Jinhyun is really sorry and devastated on what happen.However there's no way to prove it that's why I've thought of that what if besides his world revolves around Chiwoo so w/o him his life is meaningless so which makes killing urself a better idea since living in a world like an empty is practically the same.

    Anonymous May 6, 2020 8:33 am
    It's not being manipulative.It's clear that Jinhyun is really sorry and devastated on what happen.However there's no way to prove it that's why I've thought of that what if besides his world revolves around Chi... K-ty08

    What you said is all manipulative. Other people aren't responsable for our feelings. It doesn't matter if he really was sorry, not only he did what he did in the past when he came back, he isoled and threatened the main character to make him leave a person he cared. It doesn't matter if he loved the main character or not, if he had a difficult past or not, people aren't rehabilitation centers for crappy lifes. Trying to kill yourself so "the other person understand what you are trying to say" is abusive. Google it very quickly and you will see it. We all have terrible life stories, some worse than others, that doesn't justify abusing others and putting on them the weight to save you from pain. Some people don't love you back, that's sad but that's life. If you have any other reacting besides letting the person live their life is where you are at wrong. He almost followed an abuser manual: he had angry tantrums than said how sorry he was (over and over), isoled the "person he loved", threatened a third part and put the blame in case he did anything on "the person he loved" because he knew what he could do (and explictly told him that), forced his presence in the life of the "person he loved" even though the person explicitly told him to leave (in name of love). LOVE ISN'T A JUSTIFICATION FOR ABUSE.

    K-ty08 May 6, 2020 8:45 am
    What you said is all manipulative. Other people aren't responsable for our feelings. It doesn't matter if he really was sorry, not only he did what he did in the past when he came back, he isoled and threatened... @Anonymous

    Well that's you.

    Yeah, other people aren't responsible for our feelings but they do have a big influence. Coz people words affects our feeling no matter how hard u deny it.
    Just like in raising a child
    If a child grew up in an environment where killing seems normal of course that child will do it .

    K-ty08 May 6, 2020 8:49 am
    What you said is all manipulative. Other people aren't responsable for our feelings. It doesn't matter if he really was sorry, not only he did what he did in the past when he came back, he isoled and threatened... @Anonymous

    Besides it's just my what if. I wrote it coz I’ll keep thinking about it if I don't.

    Now if ur good with the story great.

    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 11, 2020 10:07 pm



    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 11, 2020 10:08 pm
    It's not that I'm blaming Chiwoo I was just saying his at fault too for being indecisive K-ty08



    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 11, 2020 10:09 pm
    It's not being manipulative.It's clear that Jinhyun is really sorry and devastated on what happen.However there's no way to prove it that's why I've thought of that what if besides his world revolves around Chi... K-ty08


    K-ty08 May 11, 2020 11:04 pm

    That's just my what if I ain't forcing my thought to anyone. OK!
    If ur ok with the ending then be it.

    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 12, 2020 12:04 am
    That's just my what if I ain't forcing my thought to anyone. OK!If ur ok with the ending then be it. K-ty08

    it’s not the fact that you’re forcing me to think of it a different way. it’s that what you’re saying is wrong and dangerous. this is such a narrative and i hope others don’t see this and adopt this way of thinking

    K-ty08 May 12, 2020 2:21 am

    That's what if for the manga ok ! FOR THE MANGA ! If I were the one to do a what if chapter.
    Chill lax
    This is getting toxic.
    Those are my thoughts if u have ur own then write it.

    K-ty08 May 12, 2020 2:31 am

    We're talking about the manga here.

    There's so many books out there with dark thoughts. If its dangerous then why do they publish it ??

    If an authors can share those what u so called dangerous why can't I ?? Coz I ain't an author?? I ain't famous??What's the logic?

    Well, You are u and I am me so think whatever u want. I'm out.

    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 12, 2020 2:33 am
    That's what if for the manga ok ! FOR THE MANGA ! If I were the one to do a what if chapter. Chill laxThis is getting toxic.Those are my thoughts if u have ur own then write it. K-ty08

    this discussion isn't getting toxic! your ideals/opinions are whats toxic. i understand that this is a work of fiction but that mentality is just NOT the move.

    i unerstand 1000% that this is just a work of fiction. but it's just so dangerous to put stuff like that out here bc there are SO many younger readers on here who DON'T need to romanticize suicide or emotional manipulation!!

    xZiamQueenx May 13, 2020 6:30 am
    We're talking about the manga here. There's so many books out there with dark thoughts. If its dangerous then why do they publish it ??If an authors can share those what u so called dangerous why can't I ?? Coz... K-ty08

    You need help sis. Even if it was a "what if" there's a truth you believe in in some of the stuff you said and that's seriously messed up.

    Threatening someone to stay with you, isolating them from friends or hobbies, stalking them and RAPING are serious issues and obvious red flags of someone you'd want to stay away from.

    K-ty08 May 13, 2020 7:20 am
    You need help sis. Even if it was a "what if" there's a truth you believe in in some of the stuff you said and that's seriously messed up. Threatening someone to stay with you, isolating them from friends or ho... xZiamQueenx

    Maybe you.
    That's just my what if of the manga AND FOR THE MANGA!!! now if don't like it write ur own. If ur good with the story Great for you!!!

    I just share my thoughts just like the others sharing thier own about the new seme and Chiwoo.

    K-ty08 May 13, 2020 7:45 am
    this discussion isn't getting toxic! your ideals/opinions are whats toxic. i understand that this is a work of fiction but that mentality is just NOT the move. i unerstand 1000% that this is just a work of fict... LittleMissMultiFandoms

    hahaah Then create ur own
    It's clearly written MY WHAT IF.

    If there's books with those thoughts out in public already what's the difference???
    Status of the person who wrote it?
    If ur ain't an author sharing ur thoughts are forbidden??
    What nonsense.

    K-ty08 May 13, 2020 9:06 am
    this discussion isn't getting toxic! your ideals/opinions are whats toxic. i understand that this is a work of fiction but that mentality is just NOT the move. i unerstand 1000% that this is just a work of fict... LittleMissMultiFandoms

    How come it's toxic??? My thoughts /opinion didn't do anything. Did it hurt u???

    Ur the one making it toxic just because u don't like it ur saying those things why don't u create ur own instead of insisting urs to me.
    If u really think it's dangerous then go out there search for everyone who put up similar thoughts to mine. Even respective authors tell them what they are putting is dangerous include everybody don't just randomly pick or come to someone just bcoz they ain't labeled or popular.
    Yeah So many youngerster reading here and so many manga about dark thoughts, killing and suicide here as well. If you really think that my what if is dangerous Before u telling me those shouldn't u start with the authors first!! Coz manga is more important than my thoughts.

    And It ain't gonna change I still like Jihyun 2D character and my what if won't change.

    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 13, 2020 3:36 pm
    How come it's toxic??? My thoughts /opinion didn't do anything. Did it hurt u???Ur the one making it toxic just because u don't like it ur saying those things why don't u create ur own instead of insisting urs... K-ty08

    i’m not making anything toxic. there’s a difference between fiction, and someone who is REAL promoting such dark/dangerous ideals. i don’t really care who you like or dislike in the manga because you’re correct, it’s a MANGA. but when the character you’re supporting is a mentally unstable, abusive, manipulative asshole the. you should probably expect some clap back when people are upset by your “what if’s”

    the entire “what if” is so manipulative and i just don’t want you or anyone else thinking that anyone should ever be treated that way. some people get wrapped up in fantasy, and while that probably isn’t the case for you i just wanted to call out what i saw was harmful in you made up “theory”.

    i don’t mean you any disrespect and it’s great that we can have an open discussion about things like this. but i can wholly agree with supporting jihyun after he gets help and wants him to find someone he can actually LOVE and not obsess over. chiwoo never did anything completely wrong in this series. when he was a TEENAGER he brushed off his friends feelings instead of openly discussing them. that’s the only thing i can think of that he could’ve handled better.

    anyways ik this is long and i’m annoying but i’m done arguing this topic just like i feel you are. i hope you’re staying safe during the pandemic! best wishes for you and your family.

    LittleMissMultiFandoms May 13, 2020 3:39 pm
    How come it's toxic??? My thoughts /opinion didn't do anything. Did it hurt u???Ur the one making it toxic just because u don't like it ur saying those things why don't u create ur own instead of insisting urs... K-ty08


    i pick on everyone who says some bull like this in the comments. ive commented on here sooooo many times it’s SOOO ugly istg. i’m not trying to force my opinion on you but if anyone else sees this conversation i want them to know that jihyun ISNT okay hahah. sorry i need to stop reading only the first sentence