you know, you don't need to be this aggro. I myself have worked before as a translator, and I'm not a native english speaker. STILL I tried to give it my best effort, and tried not to make any mistakes bc I myself read mangas too and it is annoying if you can't understand half of the plot when everything is just butchered.
And you know what I did when I wasn't sure about sth? I asked someone to correct it. Easy as that. That's why I personally hate it when someone uploads halfassed stuff like that, because it is literally no work at all to find someone and help with proof reading. ffs the person translating could have posted a note saying "hey, could someone help?". but they didn't even to that, so they actually don't care about the quality of their work.
srsly. like I said, I myself have worked as a translator (and typesetter and cleaner btw too), so I know how much work it can be, but I want everyone to enjoy the things I'm working on, so I myself would never ever release something like this.
Even I sometimes used google translator(bc let's be honest, transating can be a real pain in the ass, because sometimes the dialog is just weird and confusing to begin with), but if you use it correctly, you still get understandable and grammatically (mostly) correct sentences.It depends heavily on the language, tho. Anyways, when I was using it, I was at least making sure that what google was translating made sense, grammatically and contentwise.
I get why many people get aggressive when someone says "uh this translation is shit" and such things, because yeah, it does sound ungrateful. but let's be honest. there have been a lot of people who translated that only asked for help after they got the shitstorm. If I get such comments, I get pissed too, but that's bc I put effort in my work and I don't post something if I myself would not read it. You don't always have to be grateful just because it's "free",or because "someone else did it so you don't have to". When you're thirsty you also won't be happy if you get a glass full of dirt water :'D
Bruh what’s with the translation its hurting my brain with how shitty it is a 10 year old has better grammar than that