omg! i've just finished dmmd, and i'm so addicted.
personally, i remember playing dramatical murder, togainu no chi, and lamento and thinking 'yeah but i'll definitely never play sweet pool', because i'd heard about it, and all anyone would talk about was how it was a gory game with a main character who shits meat. but i was bored one day and decided why not. so i played it and it's, honestly, my favorite n+c game now (and just one of my favorite games in general) because, while it is really gory and disturbing at times, it's so much more than that. the soundtrack, the art, the relationships, it's all so beautiful to me. and the characters. it's really hard to fully hate any of the characters and, when you think about it, there's no 'actual' antagonist like in the other games.
it's true that there is no real 'good' ending, but the 'true' ending is really bittersweet, and it kind of leaves your heart feeling fuzzy with both sadness and warmth.
aahh i typed a lot. sorry about that. i just really love this game and would hate for anyone to misjudge like i did once. ^_^
Luv N+C. Started from TNC and Dmmd. Now Lamento~Beyond the Void. Sweet Pool-Not so sure.