actually, i like that kind of stuff in mangas and animes. Where the uke is being threatened/rape and the seme goes to rescue. its soooo cuteeee <3

y'all weebs be fucked in the head tbh

If you aren't gonna be nice gtfo. What do you even mean "y'all weebs"? If you aren't into stuff like this then why tf are you even here? Go read something you care about rather than slandering other people you jerk. If you don't like this stuff then you're honestly just wasting your time just to find someone you can talk bad about. You're too chicken to even have a username Anon so grow a pair before you come back.
I just realized after my rant that this happened years ago but after rereading this manga I just wanted to check out the comments and I got too heated. I still believe my opinion is valid tho.
is it wrong that i kinda wanted someone to try to rape the teacher and then have akane save him??