i’m sorry but i feel a little sad for jihwa HEAR ME OUT

roseythreads1 May 5, 2020 6:32 am

ok put yourself in his shoes u love someone how sleeps around but you can’t tell him to stop or he might leave you in the dirt. but ur fine cause ur still his #1 until one day he finds a painter to paint him having sex with you BUT the whole time y’all are doing it he’s looking at the painter with lust filled eyes BUT HES HAVING SEX WITH U like that’s so embarrassing my so u get jealous and trash his art room WHICH GETS UR SERVANT KILLED & U KICKED OFF THE PROPERTY now he’s not even having sex with you anymore all for that dumb painter (end ) so yeah ik it’s wrong to try to kill him but i see that he’s just heart broken and needs some love and therapy AND THAT FUCKING GREEN GUY IS PULLING ALL THE STRINGS OF MY POOR HEARTBROKEN JIHWA ITS DEFINITELY GREEN GUYS FAULT THAT ALL OF THIS IS HAPPENING IF HE WAS JUST A GOOD FRIEND & HELPED HIM THROUGH THE HEARTBREAK THE MOST JIHWA WOULD HAVE DONE WAS PROBABLY THE WATER ON THE PAINTING!!! BUT HE KEEPS WHISPERING IN HIS EAR PUSHING HIM FURTHER SO GREEN GUY NEEDS TO GET BEAT UP & LEAVE MY JIHWA ALONE SO HE CAN RECOVER AND FIND HIS OWN HAPPINESS

    seunghoho May 5, 2020 8:08 am

    I understand what you're saying, but still, blaming Nakyum for Seungho's loss or interest in Jihwa is just wrong... If Jihwa was gonna confront anyone that should be Seungho

    Askara May 5, 2020 12:41 pm
    I understand what you're saying, but still, blaming Nakyum for Seungho's loss or interest in Jihwa is just wrong... If Jihwa was gonna confront anyone that should be Seungho seunghoho


    some perv May 5, 2020 9:07 pm

    lol wth Jihwa is a 100% to blame, he's the one who chose to hire the assassin. He could have left the room when the shady guy advised to kill Na-Kyum, just like one of his buddy did.
    He's mean af and has been since the beginning. He tried to frame Na-Kyum first and then beat him up himself. Like someone said, that's all because Na-Kyum is a low born. So while I kinda "like" Jihwa let's not act like he's not the one pulling the trigger here.

    afroluv May 5, 2020 10:45 pm

    You forgot Jiwha was spying on Yoon's household through a double agent servant or that he was fine sharing Yoon with other nobles before NK. He had motives other than love or obsession but Yoon did stop short of kicking his ass out of respect for the intimacy they once shared when he cut him off from the D.

    natalka17 May 5, 2020 11:41 pm

    I'd say it's like a girl obssesed with her fuck buddy (who also has others) to the point of wanting to kill THE OTHER GIRL he's interesnted in instead of a guy himself. For me it always is a show of being low when you care about the stranger rather than the person you know. If my man would cheat on me for ex. I wouldn't care about the other woman (unless she knew our relationship and made it purposely to snatch him) but especially about him. And morover if I'd notice that he doesn't care about me I wouldn't pull off such sick actions. Even if my pride was hurt and stuff. But than, what do I know about men's testosteron and pride which led to thousands of wars...

    natalka17 May 5, 2020 11:48 pm

    I'd say it's like a girl obssesed with her fuck buddy (who also has others) to the point of wanting to kill THE OTHER GIRL he's interested in instead of a guy himself. For me it always is a show of being low when you care about the stranger rather than the person you know. If my man would cheat on me for ex. I wouldn't care about the other woman (unless she knew our relationship and made it purposely to snatch him) but especially about him. And morover if I'd notice that he doesn't care about me I wouldn't pull off such sick actions cuz apparently she's more interesting and I wasn't able to change it when he was with me. Even if my pride'd be hurt and stuff, still that's low.
    But than, what do I know about men's testosteron and pride which led to thousands of wars, they're ego is seemingly way more sensitive and revangethirsty...

    2cents May 6, 2020 5:20 am

    Nice try but nah, it's still fuck him all day. Even before he lost it & went out to get NK killed he's been a bitch. Destroying the painting then laughing about it when he heard SH had NK beaten etc etc. His ass needs to go! SH dismissed him & he still turns up without permission & now this! You had years to win SH's affection & NK came & took it in a heartbeat, lol! People would feel sorry for him if he hadn't been so damned awful.