Tf. Why do i have this teensy tiny bitty gut feeling that elvin would use her to make sure...

Je Ann May 5, 2020 3:12 am

Tf. Why do i have this teensy tiny bitty gut feeling that elvin would use her to make sure he gets the throne oneday.. i mean he'll definitely fall inlove with her along the way.. buuuuutttt.. i smell betrayal somehow, dang.

    Rachana May 7, 2020 4:33 pm

    I agree completely!!! I was reading it and I didn't get good vibes from him instantly and I knew to trust my instinct. He definitely started their relationship trying to manipulate her into liking him, but I think he's caught feelings for her too.

    Je Ann May 7, 2020 9:03 pm

    Good to know its not just me i mean, it struck me when he said she's more powerful than the holy one.. so if she becomes the biggest holy figure and she falls for him, he's got the crown in the sack with her influence backing him up.. tsk tsk tsk. Better stick with the duke. He's perfect.. and cute.. awesome.. and he's basically the one who freaking saves her everytime.. well, including lovely lily of course ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭