Honestly. I’ve handled a lot of dicks and it never occurred to me to block an orgasm by corking the tip with my thumb. I’ve never seen it in porn, either.
Wait seriously? I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. If you’re not then really? I thought it was a pretty popular thing to do in manga?? TsunTsun
They’re talking about irl, I agree with them I haven’t seen it in porn (that’s not manhwa/manga) either. Something new to try with the bf lol
They’re talking about irl, I agree with them I haven’t seen it in porn (that’s not manhwa/manga) either. Something new to try with the bf lol xielian_inlove
Honestly. I’ve handled a lot of dicks and it never occurred to me to block an orgasm by corking the tip with my thumb. I’ve never seen it in porn, either.