I just realised this is the second Manga (manhwa) where a 27 year old reverts back to thei...

Sorachay May 3, 2020 4:34 am

I just realised this is the second Manga (manhwa) where a 27 year old reverts back to their younger self

    My ideal knight_Igris May 3, 2020 4:52 am

    Sometimes a forgot that she went back in time.....
    Coz sometimes its feels like nothing really changed

    Sorachay May 3, 2020 2:35 pm
    Sometimes a forgot that she went back in time.....Coz sometimes its feels like nothing really changed My ideal knight_Igris

    Lol same, death is only ending is handling the 'bastard brothers' trope much better than this (in pace) and it only has like 15 chapters in raws