Extra chapter

Viotaeyi May 2, 2020 1:51 pm

There's the explanation about Minato's tattoo.
You can see here:

"Minato: This is a moment that occurred when Shizuma-kun and I started going out openly after a whole host of things had happened. When Shizuma-kun saw the snake tattoo on my ankle, this is what he said.

Shizuma: When... did you get this?

Minato: When I was 19, probably? Some guy said he'd pay me if I let him give me a tattoo. He was weird.

Shizuma: That's why? What the heck's up with someone like that?

Minato: But doesn't it suit me? I want one on my thigh or on my back next.

Shizuma: It does suit you, but getting covered head to toe in tattoos isn't good.

Minato: What I do with my body is up to me, right? Don't say something so boring.

Shizuma: Okay... Well, maybe I'll get one too, one that says "Minato Love, I'm yours forever."

Minato: That's so lame! (inner thought)

Minato: I get it. I won't do it. I promise I won’t go through with it, so don't do that.

Shizuma: Hehe, good boy."

But it wasn't me who translated

    ( - 3 - )/ May 3, 2020 2:36 pm

    Is there an eng trans?

    Viotaeyi May 4, 2020 1:27 pm
    Is there an eng trans? @( - 3 - )/

    I don't know, but I left the translation under the link :)