Those of you who can’t get into it because of the shaved heads are cowards

YawnDere May 2, 2020 9:43 am

Those of you who can’t get into it because of the shaved heads are cowards

    Airena May 2, 2020 2:24 pm

    And it's like disrespecting the culture at the same time -_-

    kathleen May 2, 2020 7:25 pm

    thats exactly what i was thinking, thats how it was during the time period :((

    Blaubeerchen27 May 3, 2020 9:28 am
    And it's like disrespecting the culture at the same time -_- Airena

    No, disliking something visually is NOT disrespecting culture. If you can't let people express their taste go back to Tumblr.

    Airena May 3, 2020 11:16 am
    No, disliking something visually is NOT disrespecting culture. If you can't let people express their taste go back to Tumblr. Blaubeerchen27

    Ok 1rst of all I never used Tmblr it repulses me in many ways than one . 2nd of all can't you accept that it's part of the culture and move on? I said it's like being disrespectfull not that they are directly. I just made comment expressing my opinion too on the matter, if you're here to judge people by which social media they are using you need to get a life..