Everyone wants Akashi to win...because it'll break his character?!?!! BITCH, PLEASE!! THAT...

Shao Jun June 15, 2014 4:17 pm

Everyone wants Akashi to win...because it'll break his character?!?!! BITCH, PLEASE!! THAT MUTHAFUCKA IS GOING DOWN!!! IN FRONT OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE!!! It's time for the Emperor to finally taste defeat at the very hands of the person that he created, Kuroko.
I swear to god, if Akashi wins it's gonna ruin the whole entire story. Kuroko is supposed to conquer and defeat (and Kagami too, I guess...) KUROKO IS THE FORSHADOWED VICTOR IN THIS STORY!!!!
Right now Akashi is in a rut and based on my KnB knowledge: eventually at the last second he's gonna snap out of it, grab the ball, and Ankle Break a bunch of people but when he gets closer to the net to score I better see Kuroko literally shadowing him as a phantom to intervene at the last second. If it is Kagami that I see I'm just not gonna read anymore. That bitch has gotten too much glory and I hate it -.- Kuroko never got any of that glory ya bitch Kagami.

Crowd of people: OMG Kagami made an alleyoop!!!
Me (watching or reading): Who was the one to pass it to start the alleyoop??
Crowd of people: OMG Kagami caught that long pass that traveled all the way across the court and made a shot!
Me: Who was the one to throw that pass??


    Anonymous June 16, 2014 9:36 am

    Ahh finally someone who hates kagami like i do. nice to meet you pal XD

    Shao Jun July 26, 2014 10:52 pm

    @ Anonymous

    Nice to meet you too :)