
LunaticTrap May 8, 2020 8:30 am

Yo, I immediately hate the red hair. Killing the mother in front of her child? And intend to make her your queen? Are you sick? Where is your common sense? I'm rooting on Mir to kill the emperor. I hope she doesn't end up with him. I don't care whatever the reason that could justify his actions to the knight (if there is any), he's still a jerk.

    pleb May 7, 2020 9:18 pm

    fr and also he killed his wife bc she ruined his appetite wtf

    LunaticTrap May 8, 2020 8:33 am
    fr and also he killed his wife bc she ruined his appetite wtf pleb

    Yes, that is very horrible. That's why I really hope she doesn't end up with him. If I see any spoiler that Mir going to end up with red hair, I'm dropping this lmao. I can't take it so I rather not see it