any bls where the characters are mythological creatures? (gods, demons, vam...
BL recs ??
help me find this manga pls i read it a while ago and can’t remember the
pls bro.. *begs on bended knees* give me recs like 'our sunny days' 💔 i ...
Looking for Yuri reccs similar to this please:
Forgotten name
bl recs ?
Anything funny or lighthearted
Hey there, I really like slowly developing yaoi/shonen ai. I love when they both are unsure if the other guy likes him.I'm searching for something where they exchange a lot of looks etc. But not soemthing where one is really stupid and doesn't get it even though the other one makes it perfectly clear (that's cute sometimes, but not what I am looking for right now). Do you have any recommendations?