But as you can see Claude had total trash parents plus his brother is f ingg bastard so of course he doesn't know what love is bit when he met that woman he finally had something precious to him but he didn't know how to love her however she died giving birth to his daughter( I forgot the main character name) and that's the reason why he hated her at first but then his daughter(main character) slowly opened his heart so now he is learning how to love. But just how is he similar to this rotten bastard who is selfish discriminative and arrogant

This is the age-old debate "Are children with abusive parents meant to become abusive parents themselves in the future".
I stand on the side that says no. The moment you become an adult you own up to your actions regardless of your past. You can feel insecure and seek help and all that stuff but abusing your children mentally, physically or emotionally is NEVER justified.
So to answer your question "this is why this rotten bastard is exactly the same as Claude".
Maybe in the next chapters it'll turn out that this guy has some messed up sad past as well, is this going to become a contest of whose past is sadder and more tragic ? and whose past justifies their current actions ?
I have a firm position in this regard: Abusive parent = garbage existence. I do not care to know about their past. Once they became an adult, they got a better understanding of the world and can no longer blame their childhood.
Claude was also an asshole to her because her mom died giving birth to her, how is that the kid's fault ? If anything the kid needed him even more since she didn't have her mom but he made her suffer.
As for slowly opening his heart, he did it because she made so much effort to make him like her. No child should have to do that. Parental love should be unconditional but she went through hell just to get him to treat her like a human being.
Also, if that's an argument, I'm sure the parent in this story will do the same...
Finally, to each their opinion but personally, I hate every single story about abusive parents. I can handle slightly cold parents who're awkward around their kinds and slowly learn to act like a parent like "archmage's daughter" but all of these ones with asshole fathers are too much and I'll never get their appeal

Well it seems that you missed my point what I meant to prove was claude story of him being like that is more reasonable than the dad from this manwha. And of course I didn't mean to say that "children with abusive parents will grow out to be abusive parents themselves" and obviously if you see it from that point Claude is indeed not that good of character but you should look at the psychology development of Claude. Again, he was not given any "LOVE" so he is not able to feel anyone's feeling he seems distant, cold plus lonely and that is why people don't go near him cutting all source of interactions with other "HUMANS" which causes him to be cold blooded hiding all the humanity at the depth of his heart but as his daughter ( main character) approaches him warmly teaching him how to feel.Remeber when the main character spit out blood while drinking tea he looked very concerned, well that's because he is getting back his feeling of "Humanity" that he is learning from his daughter. And yeah in past life the main character was murdered by him and I get that's the point which makes Claude seem really bad but let's be honest the original princess didn't have that much courage and was always scared of Claude but the current princess was not scared and was able to have conversation with him and show affection to him that changed him. Also to you it might sound like a ridiculous thing, by the way you wrote the argument it also seems that you have not experienced these kind of things but human minds are fickle when they are hurt they tend
hide their heart and lock it away and that's how Claude was able to kill everyone and claim the throne. Since he did NOT receive love from anyone and was not LOVED by anyone and in my opinion even I would be like Claude if I experienced the things he experienced. Well unless you're a super good-hearted person and was born with ability to stay sane in this kind of situation they yeah sure Claude is a SUPER unreasonable Character. I hope you don't get offended of my opinion but there are many people who have experienced those things and trust me it's just make you very soulless person. Again I'm sorry I did not meant to offend you.( ̄∇ ̄")

I remember that story frustrating me so much after having given it more than 3 chances. It's a personal preference of mine and I know it's popular so the author must be doing something right to attract that audience, it's just not my thing.
I might be wrong since the last time I gave it a shot was months ago but I thought he kills his daughter in the original plot and the transmigrated girl was terrified of that and had to basically grovel and bend to his will to make him like her and not having the ending of the novel (or was it a game, no idea).
Also , I deeply disagree with you on the "Athy killed his love" stuff. A newly born child does not have the ability to kill anyone. It was unfortunate but the child didn't kill the mother.
He, the adult, chose to use black magic to forget his wife instead of being an adult and thinking "hey this being is what my wife cherishes and loved and the last part of her on this earth so maybe I'll try to love her" or "maybe this child will suffer more in the future not having a parent so I won't be a shitty parent and dump her and make her suffer the loss of 2 parents instead of 1"...
I don't know, I can never forgive him so I stopped reading... the third time I gave that a shot I stopped when he lost his memories (or something like that, again, I haven't read this in months and I don't like it enough to reserve a place in my memory for it) and I was like "nope just nope, I didn't suffer through all that stuff when she was basically begging for his affections for us to go back to square 1 with his disgusting shitty personality".
So, in conclusion, do I think that it's the worst webtoon ever ? No but it is in one of the worst categories (transmigration into a child meant to die). Do I think it shouldn't be popular ? Not really, I mean I hate it a lot but that doesn't negate that a lot of people enjoy it and it might be their favorite so you do you.
I just wanted to say that I gave it multiple shots despite the fact that it's in the worst category for me and I didn't judge the book by its cover. I still tried to as unbiased as possible for me and lower my expectations but it was too much so I gave up on it after trying it which happens when you read hundreds of stuff from novels to webtoons. I don't expect every author to cater to my tastes.

tf you writing essay for athy mother died cuz athy was to much for her to handle inside her body claude asked her to choose him but she choose to give birth and die he tried to forget her using black magic + it's the og heroine magic that attracted him if you don't know or haven't read the story fully don't talk shit and ignore it i know not everyone have taste

You're just a disrespectful spiteful person and I'll no longer respond to you. I was very respectful to fans of that webtoon even though I hate it and I mentioned that I gave it multiple shots but you have to be hateful to those who don't agree with you. Girl bye. This is why people think fandoms are poisonous because even amongst people who love a certain genre like transmigration in webtoons, there're people like you who are delusional and think that just because they love a webtoon, it's somehow the answer to everyone's prayer and all those who don't like it are just doing it on purpose to spite you or something...
I don't need this sort of attitude so I'll be muting this discussion since talking to disrespectful people is a waste of time.

Uhm, Claude didn't use black magic to forget her, Diana, but it was the effects or consequences for using black magic that is slowly emerging. He was probably put in a desperate situation before making him resort to black magic, taking the risks that it could make him forget and corrode his feelings for Diana or the feelings that comes from love.

All I can say is that a person's action couldn't be indeed justified from their past, but are you certain that you won't do the same thing when you experienced the things he had? If you were in his shoes, imagine what you would feel and how you could properly respond when you don't even know it yourself because of experiences you've been through, there was no one by your side to correct and guide you. I couldn't be completely sure that I won't act like Claude if I've ever experienced that kind of past, it's too much for a single person to handle it alone, let alone when they are younger which makes a person more vulnerable. Some people might say that they will be a proper parent despite the fact experiencing Claude's past, but you could only say that because you have been blessed by a normal life. The moral and ethics of this society has been slowly carved into you to your very bones so it's natural to think like that. But, what if you don't have memories of such? you don't hold any morals or ethic or any kind of righteous thoughts and beliefs. You would only start as a blank paper that would slowly stained by black ink, could still say that you could wash it white? You can't expect a person to treat others genuinely when they don't even know what is right and wrong based on how they were raised. I also don't like the dark sides of humanity, but whenever I put myself in their place and ask myself if I would choose the same as him or will choose a completely different path, without my knowledge of memories right now but as a blank paper made my dislike instantly distinguished once I've saw what they've gone through. I couldn't hate someone for making those choices as their own because even I, would might probably choose the same way he did in that state. Not everyone could handle this themselves like Claude and change for the better later on, that's why, once I've see that there's a character improvement, I thought to myself that "Why don't I give him a chance?". I wouldn't have any losses or get harm in the process, why not try it while I'm at it. Anyway, take care and have a good day.
for the father i just want to say u are not the claude you think u are treat your daughter well he had a reason thank u butler guy and the blond maid only likable in this story and of course or MC