I've been thinking that maybe it's Zens imagination that he's pointing the gun to Ai. When in truth he's pointing it to himself. If Ai represents temptation then at that point where Zen pulled the trigger, he gives in to that temptation.
The presidents death though is obvious. He should be killed not in a suicide situation to contradict the Suicide law.
contains spoiler but here's mine!
it was good until the before the one month hiatus.
The concept it's tackling is bothering but also interesting but i just kinda didn't like how it seemed like the girl, magase, was portrayed like some reaaally powerful girl (and i kinda didn't get it actually, i mean how she's portrayed who can provoke people into such deep sins and such? like realizing how sinful they can be that we can only want to die?) but i wonder if that's also part of all the "humans portrayal" thing. like showing some cause n effect? primitive instinct? but in the end, there was tying of what exactly Magase is or something. or maybe there's no need to since such is the role she's playing, a human's desire or something... idk, i jusy feel it lacking at the later episodes (say ep 9-12?)
And I think that anime should not be watched lightly by kids. Specially now that suicide is rampant in teens. Because up until the very end, GOOD and EVIL was not emphasized enough or if suicide is a good thing or bad.
All in all, the anime was so good. I've a good time watching it, the show nailed the THRILLER tag. I just can't digest now the ending. Or maybe I am just infected in stereotyped-shounen where good should always prevail.
So I just finished watching Babylon anime, anyone who reads the novel? Is the ending in anime similar to the ending in novel?
Btw, I don't really recommend kids to watch this show.