the thing is Randolph didn't have any choice but to agree to this "agreemeant" Sys put cause he already drug him and he could not move.
so from this point it can be consider Sexual Harassment or rape cause Randolph didn't want to be touch like this by Sys or gave his apporve to this. and Randolph didn't had a choice, kind of like blackmail.
if he wasn't drug by Sys, then it was different story.

It’s a lil bit subjective, if his main intention was indeed to “ rape “ him then yeah he did fcked up and there was also the fact the he was drugged.
I just wanna get on a lil but with that: Indeed he was drugged, but for what purpose?
Like I’ve said Rudolph is not your typical customer at a spa he’s way too aggressive and hard to handle, even if one did wanted to help him he/she is gonna have a hard time doing that in other words he’s a tough nut to crack and can also be labeled as a lone wolf so its hard to approach him.
Now were Sys actions too much? Well yes cause they did just met recently, but were they efficient? Also yes, let’s be honest the dude clearly has no knowledge regarding on “ how to treat wounds 101 “ so he’s gonna succumb to his injuries later on, considering the size of his injuries and the place he’s living.
I’m in no way defending Sys’s actions but he did have good intentions, he put aside his “ carnal desire “ and respected the agreement albeit with a lip bit of sexual innuendo involved

you called Sys folding and touching Ran ass efficient, I called it sexual harassment. and let be honest, Sys didn't drug him to "help" him, he did it so he can blackmail him and touching him has much has he want without the other ability to kick him away. Sys even admits he enjoys touching him. and has much has you say Sys "he put aside his “ carnal desire" - okay sorry this is bullshit. how touching the other ass is putting aside his desire? if he really would have put aside his desire, he would not touch and feel his ass like a rapist.
no matter how harsh and long wolf Ran is, it is still wrong to drug and blackmails him.
if Sys only wanted to treat his wound he could do it without the drug, even if the other will struggle at first.

Ok this was cute up until a few hours ago...
Gurl have you ever had a full body massage, so youre saying that every masseur is “ sexually harassing their customer? Relieving tension and pain is considered sexual harassment? And since its done by a man who is interested in the guy he’s massaging its considered rape? He’s strong enough to literally break a piece of the bed whilst drugged yet doesnt break a piece of cloth tying him up? Gurl ok...
Do you even know what blackmail is? Both of them literally benefited from their deal/bet/agreement call it the fudge you want and last thing HE FCKING LIKED IT ( *surprised pikachu face* wait what how very dare I to say something like that ) the dude was clearly AROUSED

here what you don't get, when people come to get a "full body massage" they come from their own free will. Ran didn't come to get something like that, he was blackmail into it with no choice to get rid of Sys.
and it wasn't even a "full body massage" - it was an ass and legs massage, you get what I mean? XD
and you know what it means to be drug and not able to move your body, like he tries to do, at all. I guess you not XD

Gurll clearly you have no idea what Rape and Blackmail is, and again youre showing that you have an attention span of a two year old, “ whilst being drugged he manage to break a piece of the bed with sheer force” if you didnt even get that then I dont know.
Another thing miss thang he started with his ankles up to his thighs to his buttock to his back and to his chest if that isnt full body for you I dont know what is, and another thing why are you expecting a manhwa tagged with fantasy ( clearly with magic involved, brute strenght that we cannot comprehend) to follow standard of this world... Gurl FACTS ARE FACTS

"You're saying that every masseur is 'sexually harrassing their customer?'." This is such a ridiculous argument and not at all what they were saying. You're putting words in their mouth.
I don't think Randolph was really into it since he kept saying he didn't want it in the first place, but he was drugged so he couldn't do anything about it.Regardless of whether sys had good intentions, he definitely had ulterior motives too. He definitely took this opportunity to grope him and he is only happy that he got to touch him. He molested Randolph, plain and simple.
"He's strong enough to literally break a piece of the bed while drugged yet doesn't break a piece of cloth tying him up?"
He's being restrained. He can't really move his arms much especially with how tight Sys might have bound it. Knowing sys, he probably knows how to tie a piece of cloth well and tight enough to make even someone like Randolph unable to break it. Also pay attention to Randolph during and after the massage: he's not moving himself. Sys is the one moving him around. Randolph was probably only able to break the bed as an instinct before the drug took over.
"HE FCKING LIKED IT..... the dude was clearly AROUSED."
As long as someone is being sexually stimulated, they can get aroused. Even if the stimulation is nonconsensual, it's the body's natural reaction to sexual stimulation. In this case, Sys touching Randolph's erogenous zones like his chest/nipples.
Why do you think rapists tend to use the excuse "it was consensual because she got wet/he got hard."? Arousal doesn't always equal consent.
The only thing I will agree on is that Sys didn't rape him, by definition, since he didn't penetrate Randolph in any shape or form. However, he did take an opportunity to molest him.

if you actually read what I comment first, I said it was Sexual Harassment and not rape so...the joke is on you I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ not that I care.
your whole argument is just dumb so I won't bother. in a way it was blackmail since blackhead could not move his body at all cause of the drug and could only stop Sys by agreeing to what he wants. when you have no choice but to agree to someone wants, no matter if you want it or not, yeas it is kind of blackmail.
and he can't say no cause again, Sys won't have stop there or leave no matter how much blackhead will tell him to stop.
keep support sexual harassment, I don't care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Uh i feel like everyone is forgetting that Sys literally almost broke Randolph's ankle???
Yes yes I too relieve "tension and pain" by inflicting even more pain to subdue them! /s
Even if Randolph could potentially break his physical restraints, there is still the figurative restraint of Sys, who has proved to Randolph he is willing to use violence if Randolph does not comply.
Randolph can no longer truly consent, because the threat of violence against him limits his options. If someone points a gun and you and tells you that you must either agree to have sex with them or die, if you choose the former have you consented? Absolutely not! If someone would not have consented while the factors that limit the ability to consent were not longer there (like no gun was being pointed) then having the factors there makes the encounter even more non consensual.
It is very clear that Sys has displayed romantic/sexual interests towards Randolph, and thus this case should be considered sexual harassment because Sys' actions are unwelcome advances that are sexual in nature.
I'm glad you have changed your mind after your discussion with Some Loser and that we can agree that arousal does not = consent! yay for productive discussions :D
And yes, this is not a case of blackmail. Black mail, by definition, is "an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met". This was clearly not the case here.
Still, Sys was in the wrong, which I am upset about. Seeing as a large portion of BL revolves around rape/sexual harassment, I'm not very surprised by it though. The best way to react is to understand, not deny, that these situations do occur in real like. They should not be removed/censored, because that would lead to ignorance. However, we should neither praise nor defend Sys. Instead, this can be an opportunity to show the real life consequences of sexual assault, but i doubt the author will do that seeing as this is a BL fantasy :^(
If you read to the end, thank you! I'm open to more discussion if you want to :)

Yeah I was too far up my ass to see that it is clearly sexual harassment, I was thinking that Randolph is physically above an average human but then again a skinny twink almost manage to break his ankle... maybe because those type of scenarios are so frequent in the yaoi genre that it was normalize and its just a common theme going go : “ I was raped /sexually harassed by an attractive guy ( or crush ) which I hated at first but made me love him “ which sound really ridiculous if it was in real life and just because the perpetrator is a “protagonist “ of said story doesnt mean its ok
Sooo I just wanna point out a few things:
1) Technically they had a deal meaning they did agree upon the conditions that were given
meaning that you can’t label it “ borderline rape “, “ unwanted “ just because a character is a fudging Tsundere. ( and yes Sys did leave after meaning he respected their agreement )
2 ) Is it considered Sexual Harassment? Now this is somewhat complicated, it depends on what circumstances and the standing of the people/character involved in the matter.
3 ) Was the “ DRUGGING” part necessary? HELL NO, but then again Rudolph ain’t your typical customer, clearly he’s hurting ( have you seen that giant ass wound on his shoulder ) but he keeps this “ unbothered façade” its getting low key annoying, someone is offering help b*tch fudging accept it.
4) Sys is misunderstood... obviously I cant blame Rudolph for putting his guard up cause an outsider with somewhat weird fetishes is offering his help who might or might not have a hidden agenda is offering to help him plus is friends with his brother whom he hates so much. But from what we’ve seen, yeah Sys is clearly interested in him ( who wouldnt ), but he didnt took advantage of the fact that he’s helpless to ravage him, he did what he needed to do and got the fck out.
Tl dr: CALM YO TITS DOWN love yaヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~