Prediction time!!!!

Yuki Moon April 30, 2020 10:27 am

Sperado, or whatever the heck was that dumb family name, threatened the baby of the ex-maid. This made her need to do their biddings. The bracelet that was put on our little rabbit was the chain that Sperado made. I'm guessing that it will hinder Leslie in health and/or power. Or maybe he would be able to control her/transfer her powers to something or someone else. Either way, it will probably prove difficult to go about the church thing.

Or, the Salvatore family finds out about it right away and somehow gets the chain off of Leslie.

    Elianna_Rose April 30, 2020 2:11 pm

    i think that sh-t family has her baby which is why we don't see it. i was leslie got to her first but I guess not