Definitely not heart warming, it leaves a very bad taste *May contain spoilers*

lemon-chan April 29, 2020 8:42 pm

So basically this is a story where Jun lives all his life used by people for their own convenience, specially those he holds dear.

Tatsuya used and abused Jun, he ruined the poor guy happiness for life. Maybe Jun forgave him but let's be real, he will always have this feeling inside that he is just a choice of convenience. He was promised love but was betrayed and cheated, and no one even showed remorse or guilt of what they have done to him. He didn't get any apology or sympathy. He was thrown away and then accepted again because of convenience. And he has to be the one doing the effort.

I didn't feel that he was loved(Jun). Tatsyua searched for him first because he didn't want to accept he is a JERK who betrayed and ruined their love and the Jun's life. The proof is him 5 years after saying he is happy and nearly forgot about Jun. And then he got with him with no effort AFTER HIS WIFE WAS DEAD and AFTER HE SAW SHE LETTER SAYING to get with Jun. And why is that? because the guy is loyal and will help the widowed jerk take care of the Kid. So the fact is Tatsyua loved his wife he cheated with and left Jun to the dogs.

After all this Tatsyua still maintained the upper hand. He was like "Okay jun you want to get back with me, i will accept. Be grateful i accepted you after only 2 years of you begging after my wife's death".

Very disgusting relationship with disgusting people. But still it is a story and this shit do happen in real life. Definitely not my cup of tea though.

    miachan May 9, 2020 1:53 am

    Yea, and tbh i think jun already forgotten about tetsuya too, but his wife just throw a burden on Jun's back and said 'take care to my husband and son' like what the. idk tbh i want jun to happy with that colleague from his work.

    juleeey July 11, 2020 12:07 am

    Right! The fact that Jun turned fucking gay was because of him in the first place then he left Jun for a woman. What happened with Tatsuya's son is more tolerable because at least he tried.