Protect jiwoo at all costs.

Val. April 28, 2020 10:16 pm

Bro.. What is jiwoo out here stealing my heart for????? I know there are tons of kind and gentle characters out here, but jiwoo really leaves a different impact on me. I'm not sure why. How do I put it,,, this is gonna sound cringy but my heart deadass flutters and I feel warm. That one scene where he smiled while petting the injured cat? FUCK. That shit was a whole other type of precious. I really just stared at the pic for a good 5 minutes. The smile was so beautiful my chest is actually clenching rn just remembering it. Mad respect for the author/artist.

    Val. April 28, 2020 10:19 pm

    Ok that's it I can't handle it anymore I'm making it my pfp

    Namisan April 29, 2020 2:00 am

    Tsundere love?

    crow May 8, 2020 7:18 pm

    there's just something comforting about a nice house with big windows, and cats. i can totally see myself relaxing on the couch petting a cat. the atmosphere jiwoo creates is so... calming. he smiles and my brains response is like "yes. every choice you have made until now is for this, seeing his smile will cure you're unhealed scars on your heart" like damn he aint gotta be so cute but he just is.

    draco May 12, 2020 5:20 am
    there's just something comforting about a nice house with big windows, and cats. i can totally see myself relaxing on the couch petting a cat. the atmosphere jiwoo creates is so... calming. he smiles and my bra... crow

    @Crow...that interior design you appeals to me on every level

    crow May 12, 2020 5:51 pm
    @Crow...that interior design you appeals to me on every level draco

    glad i could be of service