I'm looking for an author.

Myexistenceisforshoujo April 28, 2020 9:31 pm

They have a few mangas I can remember, just not any names.

One was about a girl whole was invited to the wedding of a girl she liked in highschool (named Yuri), and met another woman who also fell in love with her too and they decided to date each other.

Another was about a woman who just got divorced and met a younger guy.

Another was about a girl who moved into an apartment and could see ghosts, she met a young guy (a ghost) and it was kinda like "my boo"

There was one about a ghost girl too.

    Sufle April 28, 2020 9:33 pm

    I sadly don't know who it is but the stories sound really good! So I'll wait for a reply with you here :)!

    lalala April 28, 2020 9:37 pm

    I think webtoon 3 is -freaking romance- from line webtoon..