I haven't read this yet but I read alot of people hating this emperor character. But after reading your comment I feel pretty interested. Btw you have a strong sense of justice to not look at someone on the outside but in. Yeah, I know I sound like I'm spouting nonesense but you're comment actually feels really touching and eye-opening y'know?

Thank you ^^
But well yeah, when I was younger, I would judges books by their cover and I still regret it now.
I lost friends that I thought was cheating me without hearing their part of the story and I was often judging by only my look too.
In the end I was the one who abandoned them when they needed the most help and I just would never forgive myself even now because it's too late..
And this is why I'm so concerned about this avec if he's only a 2D character

That's my grandpa story, after the death of Granny Gab (his second wife, my grandma was his first wife) he qas in a serious depression and is when this woman came to his life...
Sadly, she kept her mask and didn't take it off until after his death, my family has suffered the consequences of it since and just 2 years ago we finally could be free of that witch!!!
Oh... my stepmom was the same, she appeared in my dad's life when he was not ok, I loved her because she was really nice with me and my siblings, but she began to show her true colors after my dad's death... good thing that leaving everything to her and nothing to us in fact saved us a lot of trouble and gave her a lot of troubles (the land has a ownership problems and the house still has a debt and she cannot sell them because this problem with the land but still nerd to pay the debt and taxes)...
Men and women, be careful, it is so easy to end it the hands of people like this!!!

In fact the strong were my mom and uncle, they did everything in their power to make sure that woman won't be a problem for their children if they die!!! In fact, my sibling, cousins and I didn't know how problematic this woman was until we were almost adults, our parents protected us a lot!!!
And my step-mom, I decided to stop contacting her when I moved to another country, last year she wrote to me (the one who used to have more contact with her) that as my dad's children we should help her pay for the problematic land, we told her that my dad decided to leave everything to her and also we couldn't help her because we had our own problems!!!
My aunt discovered that it was my step-mom that asked my dad to change his will and leave everything to her promising him.she would divide everything with his family... well, karma is sweet and thank God I don't need to pay debts for the house not taxes for that land, specially because they are in the middle of nowhere where we would never live!!!

Also, my mother and uncle discovered that woman was dating an old rich german man after the death of my grandpa, my mom did everything to inform his family about that woman and they did everything to avoid any change in the will!!!
Also, that woman name's means beautiful Star and funny fact is that half-sister (dad's side) remarried a man whose daughter has the same given name of that woman... I had a hard time to call her using her name and I explained her the reason, she was cool and understood... in fact, my new niece is super cool woman, strong and a great human being, so she cured me of this bad feeling with that give name!!!

You mean like the queen who is being used by said emperor? So, because he's perpetually being used in suppose to let go his perpetual using of others?
Nah, mess me with that, the one thing I will never do is play Captain SaveAHo to a raggedy ass man when there's a woman being subjugated by an asshole with everything.

I dont know what you have been through, nor do I know your stepmother's true intentions and nature.
But had it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just MAYBE your stepmother knew about the debt and didnt want to burden the children, thats why she asked to hand down everything, along with the debt, to her.
At some point after that, she realizes that she alone cannot afford to pay off the debt and not wanting to trouble the young children, she decided to date a rich guy to get money to pay off the debt.
However, the rich man did not want to help her and her efforts werent paid off now that she have no means to pay the debt. That is only when she fell rock bottom and has asked the children to help her.
Sometimes people become villains with good intention. Stepmother probably had a broken heart and couldnt handle her husband's death. Maybe she has now cooled down her head and wants to get back and apologize, but she just doesnt know how.
Maybe you shouldnt ignore or cut ties with her.
But of course, Im saying this precisely because I dont know the full story.
Hope you wont get angry with me.

You that is the only reason I can't hate the ml - I mean till. Now he hasn't done anything that would make him scum and unworthy of the empress yada yada - he looks Like a skeleton tbh thats what I thought when I saw him - dude doesn't look healthy at all - at one point I even thought that mistress was some kind of witch who steals people's essence or something g cause the dude looks drained af .... I mean He isnt (till now and from all that the author has shown and depicted till now) like this other ml that I saw in the manhwa where he killed the empress (who was in love with him) and the child in her belly and even after knowing about what he did to her in his previous life the dude didn't feel too guilty ( that's what I heard cause I dropped it - I didn't want to stick to that one really shitty ml)

I've been reading alot of these webnovels and a notice that with all of them the readers tend to build a mob mentality so they are given characters to hate and they just hate on them and shed all their love to the MC. They don't try to understand the side of the other side characters unless they are with the MC. It really annoys me because I've met ML that are just hated on while they aren't totally innocent, it doesn't mean they are a horrible person. This ML is actually really interesting to me, he's broken and I want to see how he develops.
I know which manga you're talking about , the abandoned empress and that ML is just shitty, he was scum!

Well, if you learn his background you could understand too..
He was ignored by his father but this one show a great interest to the FL (learn later that the king loved the FL mother)
The FL mother was kind to our ML, so she was like a mother to him, he was still a kid when she died while protecting her daughter and let him almost get killed.
Even if it's a normal reaction, as a child, in his eyes, she abandoned him..
So he didn't like her even more (remember that he was a kid and easy to manipulate.)
His only paternal figure was an old man (idk if he was a duke but he's the one that would adopt the "heroine").
The old man was the only one that could understand him and treat him well, that what he was thinking..
But in reality, he was whispering poison to his ears..
And he even poison him ! (Some drugs to make him crazy).
At this stage he was already possessed, a doll controlled by the old man that was still saying bad things about our MC, (things like she don't love him, she's her only for power..).
You remember the things with her baby that he killed ?
In reality, he was really sorry and sad and wanted to stay with MC side for her to get better..
But she was going crazy at this moment too, and the old man take advantage of this situation to say that she was relived that her baby died bc if he was born she'd kill him with her own hand.
At this rate he totally despite her.
Ah yes, he didn't want our MC father to die, but he didn't have enought power and the old man (who was an important figure) + many corrupt noble voted for him to get killed.
The same for the MC, he didn't want to kill her but remove her from her statue and banned her in a remote country, but he didn't have the power to stop her being killed.
After this the "heroine" wasn't a good queen at all, and the kingdom fall into ruin.
The people started saying that while our MC was still here, the kingdom was still prosperous, and the people that hated her started to understand that she was a good person.
The ML too, start hating the heroine (still under the drugs effect) saying that she was stupid and that he regretted that the FL was killed.
While he was like that he started to see the old man sheme and notice that he was drugged, he learn about all the lies about the FL and he was totally broken, what's more sad is that he learned that the heroine didn't even love him, but used him to survive, and that the our MC was the one who truly loved him.
The old man noticed that the ML started to know the truth so get people to kill him.
And while he was dying, the only thing that he could think of is if he could restart things again, he would try to know more about our FL and treat her differently.
Now that our MC was reborn, she got friends and express herself more openly, so our ML get suspicious from the old man earlier (bc he was saying that our MC was cold etc..)
And when she wrote to the green haired boy saying that the MC mistreat her etc and he happen to read it, he was shocked too ! He was like "did she think that I could really do it ?" showing more that he wasn't in his right state of mind in the previous life.
So yeah, he wasn't his true self in his previous life..
While being drugged and manipulated in an early and vulnerable age, he didn't get to evolve and develop.
While in this life, he get to learn the old man sheme (so wasnt manipulate nor drugged) and knowing our MC more "intimidatly" he get to grow normally and l independently.
The current lifetime is his true self, and life I said again, right now he's a child, he will grow again in the futur and he didn't do anything wrong.

Damn man and I thought this story's ML had a messed up childhood. I'm wondering if she can really push through her PTSD.
But I'm sure some ppl are going to look at it as a sad back story as an excuse like this story.
Because when males get manipulated, taken advantage of and abused in stories (especially as kids) they never actually receive the same amount of sympathy as their female counterparts, rather they are seen as idiots and stupid. This is both in fiction and reality sadly

so you saying that what the emperor did, using an innocent girl only to get rid of her latter for his "lover" cause well he can, is fine? we should not hate them for that?
he had no right to use and ruin an innocent girl that had nothing to do with it!
with great power comes great responsibility, a responsibility he failed to follow has an emperor cause he uses his dick and emotion instead of common sense!
and even after finding out the truth about his lover he still refuses to stop that toxic woman!
so yeas people have any right to hate this prick! he's no child anymore, he is a grown-ass man that can even think for himself but his dick thinks for him. I feel sorry for his kingdom, I really do.
he mistreats the MC a lot from the start and doesn't even hide his hostility to her despite her doing the best work for him! he does not even bother to treat her like a fucking human been with feelings! why should readers care about an asshole like him?! why?!!
oh yeas cause the trop he has a bad childhood bla bla bla, sorry bad childhood does not save him from his action in the present. I wish he won't be the ML at all!!

I personally didn't see him mistreat the FL and no he's not thinking with his dick, just watch carefully and see how he's emotionally unstable.
I wouldn't surprise if he's diagnosed with depression and abandonment issues.
If he's only thinking with his dick he would already rape our MC but he didn't.
I can see him as a loyal and naive boy who didn't have the chance to grow properly.

read it again and see how he talk with our main girl the first time he sees her. and mostly every time he saw her. not my problem you can't see how hostile and an asshole he is to her.
and I don't care about his abandonment issues or his depression.
when I say a guy thinks with his dick, I mean a guy that only cares about women cause she giving him her body. has long she keeps giving him her body, he will forgive her even if she murders the whole country. and in this case, it is true.
I don't care how naive you think he is, he plan to use and get rid of an innocent girl to get what he wants, so he still an asshole and will stay an asshole! he had no right to use his power and innocent people to get what he wants! fuck him!

Yeah there are a fair share of stories out there with actually shitty mls and mls with an understandable and not so shitty behaviour . Honestly the former type should never end up with a strong fml. Strong doesn't have to mean op fml - we don't need another type of stereotype - we aren't looking for a man in a fml we just want her to actually realise what she should be doing for herself in this second chance at life that she has got - to do what she did not do or do it right in a logical sensible way. There is this recent fav of mine where the fml has a good head on her shoulders - Beware of the villainess - I mean this one has got me wishing it would just end in Yuri or something - it's great (till now and I hope it stays that way - it's a great way better from most of the other manhwas out there )
Y'all hate the Emperor but y'all don't even try to understand him.
Just imagine that being in the worse moment of your life, people don't see you as yourself but as a good opportunity.
You're literally broken inside and your mental isn't good at all.
And suddenly, a beautiful fairy come to love you for who you are and not what you own.
She's the only one you can talk to and she always listen to you, of course you would depend only on her as if she's the only thing that maintains you alive.
You're ready to give your all for her, listen to all she have to say and become an asshole only for her too.
And now, you're discovered that in reality, the beautiful fairy was in reality an ugly witch, who wear a mask when she was with you.
The only only one who you think that was pure and innocent was in truth a greedy bitch.
She didn't listen to you, but she tried to isolate you.
She wasn't bullied, she bullied other.
She manipulate you all these years and you discover it from someone else mouth.
And from the mouth of someone who you were supposed to hate because she was supposed to bullied your beloved.
He was blind by love, the only person that he thought that he can relied on wasn't the one that he think they were.
His whole world would just collapse like a mere castle of sands..
And if we can say that he was in depression when he met the bitch, of course that he would be easily manipulated by her..
Imagine finding the only light of your darkness and she turn out to be a mosquito killer and ya were the mosquito.
ANYWAY why hating a child who's been manipulate at a vulnerable time of his life ?
Did you put yourself in his shoes ?
He didn't even mistreat our FL.
He didn't even want a wife to begin with, he was only happy with his bitch right ?
It was more like that he didn't have a chance.
He even warn her that he's not going to love her, so that mean that he isn't a cheating bastard.