Something like this?

You also wanna experience the prejudice and danger that comes with being a gay man?
You need to wake up and stop with your stupid fetishising. It’s disgusting

Dear anonymous, sorry you feel threatened, so much that you need to stay even in the virtual closet. Now, as a woman, being fetishised and feeling in danger is something I can relate to, because we are, every fucking day, catcalled, stalked, referred to in demeaning manners, get paid less, raped, sold, beaten etc. Being a woman can also suck, at times. The same dickheads that threaten homosexuals, threaten women. People are dumb. Let's stick together, not fight!
My statement that gay men are hot af I will defend, because every single gay man from my circle of friends is hot af. They are good, honest, openminded men with delightful personalities and well kept bodies. Unfortunately many hetero men I have had the displeasure meeting were disgusting jerks, so yeah, I have had moments of dick jealousy. So sue me.

Sooooo a man saying they would want to be a woman to test what's it's like to have sex with a woman body is okay, but a woman wanting to be a man to have gay sex (because yeah, men have a prostate and I'd like to know what it feels like) is not?
I think you need to think for a second. It's not called fetishising, it's called curiosity and it's natural to want to know what pleasurable sensations feel like for the other gender.
Sometimes when i read yaoi, i want to be a man just to be a gay ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍