sareen April 27, 2020 3:02 pm

Why is she acting like they are the one who's at wrong for capturing her? Even if you trespass into some politicians or celebrities or just some random people's house, she would have been treated the same way. Here she is inside a palace, AN ACTUAL PALACE, with Emperor and empress!!! She is treated quite fairly to be honest. Rather than being apologetic and scared she is trowing a tantrum??!!!
What does she think she is something special so everyone have to treat her well??!#-.-)

    JadaSnare April 27, 2020 3:04 pm

    She is annoying and naive

    Rishi April 27, 2020 3:40 pm

    I dont think she even realizes she's in another world?

    nerdandgeek April 27, 2020 4:41 pm

    I think that sis just who she is as a person she gets more annoying believe me.
    Spoiler alert
    She falls in love with the emperor even though he doesn't want anything to do with her, and she tries to get him to fall in love even though he is married already... And she was cheated on. So I don't understand why she would try to do the same thing.

    Theystolemyname April 27, 2020 4:45 pm

    How about you put yourself in her shoes? She nearly died and fell into a river, woke up in a foreign place where people (who do not look like police or anything similar) say that she is a spy and want to interrogate her. Obviously She is gonna freak. Some people try to plead and reason, some run. She choose to run, but nearly died AGAIN, and then some scary dude tried to skewer her with a sword for some bs sounding (to her) reason. Then, she was dragged into a dingy prison cell - basically kidnapped - and interrogated, before she was told that her story is bs, despite it being true, and that she has to pay for her crimes simply because she tried to run from what looked to her like shady people. Of fucking course she is going to be mad, upset and histerical.

    Just because she is the "rival", doesn't mean that she is a shit person automatically, and you really need to start thinking beyond "mc=good" and "rival=bad". Yes, the people in the fantasy world reacted apropriately - a suspicious person appeared on the palace grounds, and she tried to escape. Obviously, they are going to take her as a threat. But that doesn't mean that her actions and reactions are anything beyond reasonable.

    Coo April 27, 2020 4:57 pm
    How about you put yourself in her shoes? She nearly died and fell into a river, woke up in a foreign place where people (who do not look like police or anything similar) say that she is a spy and want to interr... Theystolemyname

    100% agree with what you said. Her reactions have been quite realistic tbh. People call her annoying but wtf I doubt anyone could react all calm and collected in a situation like that. Plus she woke up after a night out drinking, no reason for her not to believe she's still on earth??
    And tbh on earth she would be totally in the right. She might have trespassed, but on earth that definitely does not call for kidnapping and interrogation smh. Honestly, the characters who immediately realise they are in a 'different world' are more unrealistic to me.

    CandyApple April 27, 2020 5:01 pm
    How about you put yourself in her shoes? She nearly died and fell into a river, woke up in a foreign place where people (who do not look like police or anything similar) say that she is a spy and want to interr... Theystolemyname

    Still none of this justifies her trying to make the ml fall in love with her as he is already married and she knows this. Plus as stated she knows how it feels to be cheated on who why do it to others. This is mostly why people hate her ( ̄へ ̄)

    Coo April 27, 2020 5:55 pm
    Still none of this justifies her trying to make the ml fall in love with her as he is already married and she knows this. Plus as stated she knows how it feels to be cheated on who why do it to others. This is ... CandyApple

    Ooh really? I haven't read that far yet. Is it the raws? Novel? Bc honestly up till chapter 13 she hasn't done anything too bad. Yet.

    nerdandgeek April 27, 2020 5:59 pm
    Ooh really? I haven't read that far yet. Is it the raws? Novel? Bc honestly up till chapter 13 she hasn't done anything too bad. Yet. Coo

    Here is the Spanish version there are 32 chapters so far:

    Coo April 28, 2020 2:22 am
    Here is the Spanish version there are 32 chapters so far: https://lectortmo.com/library/manhwa/46704/no-quiero-ser-la-emperatriz# nerdandgeek

    Thank you! ^^

    Theystolemyname April 28, 2020 5:08 am
    Still none of this justifies her trying to make the ml fall in love with her as he is already married and she knows this. Plus as stated she knows how it feels to be cheated on who why do it to others. This is ... CandyApple

    Well lol, the manga on this site has only 13 chapters. What is the use of talking about something that most of us here won't see for a while? We are supposed to discuss what already happened on this site. Besides, it's not nice to casually drop spoilers of future chapters without at least a warning.