This story is about a bird that wanted to be friends with the fish, the fish & bird be...

Yoon Moran April 27, 2020 9:07 am

This story is about a bird that wanted to be friends with the fish, the fish & bird became friends but then the the bird was by the net... his fish friend helped the bird but then they were separated, the bird landed in the sand and the fish was stock in the net and had his hands cut... then the girl came and put the bird back to the ocean just to see his friend... basically the bird chose the ocean instead of his home to see his friend! (︶︿︶)

    francuwuu May 1, 2020 7:18 pm

    i think the seagull was already dead,so i suppose either after the story he died of age or just simply died. I guess he wanted his dead body to be in the sea, so he could be with his friend that was killed and thrown in the sea.

    Yoon Moran May 1, 2020 8:29 pm

    Yes... it’s such a beautiful ending (︶︿︶)