Does Sasha end up with Rebecca?

Cornflake_eater April 25, 2020 11:20 pm

Sooooo does this end up with Sasha just running away with Rebecca? Honestly, their interactions seem a bit too intimate to be just 'friends'. I know Sasha's a pet, but does Rebecca see her as 'just a pet', too?

    greytanuki April 26, 2020 12:19 pm


    I didn't read the novel, but I read in a thread with people who read it and it seems she ends up with Arth...I know, I was disappointed too, and I doubt that the manga will diverge from the novel. Real isekai yuri is hard to find, apparently

    Taetae April 26, 2020 2:13 pm
    Well...SPOILERI didn't read the novel, but I read in a thread with people who read it and it seems she ends up with Arth...I know, I was disappointed too, and I doubt that the manga will diverge from the novel.... greytanuki

    Kinda sad but if you would let me pick a guy candidate for sasha it would be arth

    peace_yow April 26, 2020 3:02 pm
    Kinda sad but if you would let me pick a guy candidate for sasha it would be arth Taetae

    Btw you do know that by quoting a spoiler message, it sometimes shows the spoiler which was hidden before? Which is the case here. It negates the purpose of hiding the spoiler which was that only the ones who want to will see it xD

    greytanuki April 27, 2020 12:48 pm
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    I know, it's just that one of the main themes of most of these villainess isekai reincarnation narratives is social transgression, in the sense that the protagonist is put in a social role she does not want or fit in. So it would be nice if not all of them were so friggin heteronormative. If the protagonist is already going against society's expectations, it would be a nice change of pace to put a lgbt character, just sayin... the story is already not supposed to be the conventional heroine one (although I know this whole villainess genre has its own conventions and tropes), so why not try to dare a little more in storytelling.

    Cornflake_eater April 29, 2020 5:13 pm
    I know, it's just that one of the main themes of most of these villainess isekai reincarnation narratives is social transgression, in the sense that the protagonist is put in a social role she does not want or ... greytanuki

    I mean, I kind of get it tho? Like, most of the people that read the villain isekai reincarnation manga are reading them for the 'handsome brooding prince' falls in love with the girl who's a little bit weird and 'quirky'. That's the main audience for this genre. If the authors are mainly doing this for money, they would just stick to this trope and won't branch out. They don't know whether their audience will be interested in a gay character, so they won't risk it.

    It's kind of like adding a female love interest to a BL. It won't be something their perceived audience will like so they won't do that.

    But I'm not blaming the authors for this! I'm sure if there is a big enough push for lgbt characters in the reincarnation genre then I'm sure it'll happen. Hopefully soon though^^ fingers crossed.

    greytanuki April 29, 2020 8:03 pm
    I mean, I kind of get it tho? Like, most of the people that read the villain isekai reincarnation manga are reading them for the 'handsome brooding prince' falls in love with the girl who's a little bit weird a... Cornflake_eater

    I do understand that. But still think it is kind of a wasted opportunity. Besides, since there are sooo many of these, the fact that the number of real yuri is 0 is really discouraging. I mean, I am also a fujoshi and I can think of a few yaoi isekai, even before of the isekai craze.

    greytanuki April 29, 2020 8:14 pm
    I mean, I kind of get it tho? Like, most of the people that read the villain isekai reincarnation manga are reading them for the 'handsome brooding prince' falls in love with the girl who's a little bit weird a... Cornflake_eater

    Oh, and it's kind of a sucky way of doing queer-baiting, but never delivering. It's like the female love interests are there, but they are never a serious possibility. they serve the objective of showing how lovable the protagonist is, but never to receive real consideration, or the possibility of a really happy and fulfilling ending.