NOPE. A-Yao IS taller here. NHS should be slightly taller canonvise. 'Little sister Yao' and A-Sang are actually really cuteJin Chan....ugh. It's Jin ZiXun all over again. Parenting in Jin sect is seriously lacking. *Yilling Patriarch should give them all a few lessons*I'm very happy Mo Xuanyu was a cutsleeve in this adaptation. The drama change felt so wrong, I know it was because of censorship but still :/
Wei Ying having to give everyone some parenting lessons bc he did so much better with A-Yuan/LSZ lmao....okay, maybe let's better get Lan Wangji
NOPE. A-Yao IS taller here. NHS should be slightly taller canonvise. 'Little sister Yao' and A-Sang are actually really cute
Jin Chan....ugh. It's Jin ZiXun all over again. Parenting in Jin sect is seriously lacking. *Yilling Patriarch should give them all a few lessons*
I'm very happy Mo Xuanyu was a cutsleeve in this adaptation. The drama change felt so wrong, I know it was because of censorship but still :/