I don’t understand why the friends kept saying that naoto was ugly, he is one of most handsome characters sensei has ever drawn (let’s not forget hayashida, ufff he is also hotter that the sun) his face, body and style were on point, love his little fang all the glasses he wore (the ones he had when they were at the hisami household were my favs) ... honestly in my maybe unpopular opinion nao was wayyyyyy better looking than hase. beautiful story, loved every single part of it... well the abuse was definitely not cool but hey hase repented, he realized how fucked up he was, improved and got less toxic sorted out his family issues and treated nao with respect, so it’s not about normalizing abuse but about overcoming their traumas and improving as was shown here.
I don’t understand why the friends kept saying that naoto was ugly, he is one of most handsome characters sensei has ever drawn (let’s not forget hayashida, ufff he is also hotter that the sun) his face, body and style were on point, love his little fang all the glasses he wore (the ones he had when they were at the hisami household were my favs) ... honestly in my maybe unpopular opinion nao was wayyyyyy better looking than hase. beautiful story, loved every single part of it... well the abuse was definitely not cool but hey hase repented, he realized how fucked up he was, improved and got less toxic sorted out his family issues and treated nao with respect, so it’s not about normalizing abuse but about overcoming their traumas and improving as was shown here.