mee too! your not the only oneee

hmm i dunno. to me, sex because you're lonely is more realistic than sex for money. the money situations are pretty ridiculous.

in reality there are many couples where one of them sleeps with another(stranger/not) cause their partner seemed to neglect them..*sigh
i can never understand them..

I agree with Anon. :) Sex does make you relax.

I also can't accept it if the seme sleep with someone with the same reason, so both shouldn't randomly sleep with strangers...

LOL i know what you mean, but loneliness sure is scary sometimes, i think that one night stand style is the realistic one in a manga because we can found it everywhere and everytime in real life

i don't know actually, it's not like i closed minded or what... it just if a person was lonely, why does not make some friend.. i know sex can make you feel relieved for some thing.. but doesn't make friend will be more effective? it's not like you want to talk to stranger, if you have friend u can talk to them ask opinion or what... well to me sex for money just indicate that he want something for return, for unrequited love he having sex to other man as replacement.. but having sex coz lonely what he want actually? it's not like he having sex with same guy.. it different eveytime and it's stranger...

ok my mind is kinda twisted.. to me if uke having sex with other man is more hateful than seme having sex with other man.. but if the seme having sex with other woman it will be more hateful than two above.. but i don't feel anything if uke having sex with woman... i don't know why but i really hate if the plot involve uke cheating.. it will be more acceptable to me if seme was cheating.. i'm being unfair right.. huhu

I don't think you sleep with anyone just because you're lonely. You call it lonely but it's more about your own insecurities and about the feeling that you will never find someone who loves you. Especially in those moments you just want to be held and feel that you're worth it. I mean it's probably not the best way to cope with that feeling but I can definitely relate to it.

I think exactly like @Anna, sometimes you just NEED someone to notice you, to look at you, to desire you, yeah of course it's not the best solution but when you're feeling down, lonely (and not the kind of loneliness a friend can take away) and someone makes the first step you just go with it and hope to feel better even if it's just for a little bit.
And of course it's your own opinion and I'm not judging you but I kinda can't understand why people (not just you, even my friends think like you) accepts it better when a seme has/had sex with others than when it's the uke.
I mean it's like in real life, if a man sleeps around, he's just a player, if a girl does the same she's a slut/whore, why ? We're all humans, have needs and desires and we should be free to do what we wants with our own bodies without being judged, so yeah I never understood and always found it hypocrite (ofc I'm not talking about you, please don't misunderstand, it's just the whole thing who bothers me)

i don't really mind.. i know the way i think might sound twisted.. but my opinion based on manga... it not apply in real life of course.. i real life if the man is just hugging other woman.. i might as well call him cheating.. hahaha...
in yaoi manga, can you relate when uke sleep with stranger coz he said he just lonely? not because of money or unrequited love, it just he was lonely? for some reason i can't accept it.. @_@?