Yep. There are two things that readers blaming the mc are not completely getting about her situation.
1) Is that she's realized the past is no longer the way she remembers it, both because the past is changing a bit and because there are many things she's realizing that she failed to understand the first time she lived it... Like, for example, the fact that her aunt had replaced all the servants and thus had full control of everything that happened inside the house from behind the scenes, or the fact that her brother hadn't wanted her to take his dead sister's things just because he was being "mean" to her, but actually because he was also trying to protect her from the dangerous "gifts" their mentally unstable mother would sometimes give to her when mistaking her for her dead daughter ("gifts" that were actually dangerous to a healthy child like her, unlike with the sickly "previous" daughter).
So, her knowing the past is no longer going exactly the way she remembers it means she'd obviously feel more cautious and uncertain about the outcome, and therefore more insecure about the "correct" way to deal with events.
2) She can't just get her brothers and other people what is going on (the aunt bullying her, the brother sleepwalking, etc) because they might not take it well coming from her who is still "an outsider", or that they might say she is just exaggerating, sounding the alarm and one-sidedly creating drama out of things that "are not that serious"...
People need to remember that, as much as her relationship with her bros has improved quite a bit, she still has a long way to go in order to get their full trust in her words.
Ugh, I hate that aunt so much, such a bi**h!!!
And how can you blame our MC? She is trying hard as well. Even tho it's true that she travels back time so she has mature mind but she also has to experienced all this sorrow things again, which turns out super difficult for her to do anything. And more obvious, she is still 10, what is she suppose to do at that age? She already acts right away, don't you dare to blame her!!!
Poor those kids, they are just so precious ;(