but they arent blood related and when they met they were very old so you cant expect they to treat each other as real siblings they were like strangers who suddenly had to live together but its true that the marriage makes it very hard for them still i find them cute together and Haesoo seems like he is in love with Jowoon but Jowoon never made his feelings clear thats why Haesoo is scared ....they just dont have a good communication just my opinion
So what if they love each other. Do you think love fixes everything. They have the most toxic relationship in the story. The lie to each other they don't respect each other. They are immature. They honestly need to move on. What they have isn't cute or romantic. It is just toxic and energy draining.
If we talk about morals, well they shouldn't date. But honestly, Joowon loves Haesoo so much, I think he’s the one for him. I was surprised by Joowon’s dad knowing about them and thinking that way. Makes you wonder what kind of man he just is?