do you even hear yourself. he got stabbed in the shoulder by the antler of a deer and you’re saying a leg massage will relieve that pain? ok cool yall are really getting creative with these excuses for again, nonconsensual intimate touch. in the later chapters the “massage” turns into fondling (surprise surprise) which oh yeah, definitely relieves pain too.

You are really going hard for a manhwa that isnt real. Secondly, no ones getting raped either. So yes, hes fondling him, but you are deadass screaming about "normalizing" rape. No one said rape was ok. We did say that it's a drawing, these characters have personalitys and Sys likes Randolph the stubborn mule.

Point out when I ever said — or sorry, “screamed” rape. I said nonconsensual intimate touch which is fondling, groping, etc. That is still harassment and while it might not be as severe to you as rape, it would still make anyone mad uncomfortable in real life. The fact that it’s a fake manhwa doesn’t mean it’s okay to except things like this and excuse them. That just mirrors your actual morals and it’s.. yikes. Liking someone doesn’t mean you can fondle them without consent and saying no to someone trying to touch you isn’t even being stubborn, it’s having boundaries. I really hope one day you’ll find some sense.

Let me ask you something. When did I nor anyone here EVER say it was ok to touch or fondle someone without their consent? When? I'm really trying to figure out why you feel the need to give a paragraph of what harassment or rape is atm. At the end of the day, you are taking a drawing, and applying it to REAL LIFE. You are taking a situation that is meant for a storyline and blowing it out of proportion by trying to relate the actions of characters of fiction onto others that just see the story for what it is and is about to become. So dont sit here, and talk to me about my morals. I know who the fuck I am and I sure as hell know what's right and what's wrong. If it bothers you THAT badly to read manga like this, keep it moving. Otherwise shut the actual fuck up. Bitching and moaning and complaining is pointless. You sound like the type of fucker to bully a translator because they are uploading chapters with fiction sexual harrassment and rape. Hate readers like you. Shut up already. Damn. You just come on here and shout at everyone for reading something they are enjoying. You kill the experience with you fuck shit. Shut up bitch.

Damn you really freaked over this LMAO I made a comment a while ago that wasn’t apart of this thread but I’ll restate some things from there — I still like King’s Maker and the overall story, just not these chapters because they make me uncomfortable to read. I acknowledge the over standing story but I also know there are ways to progress a relationship and plot without relying on harassment so I’m a bit disappointed — sorry that bothered you so much. And again sorry, but when you over and over attempt to excuse nonconsensual acts with dumb shit like “he needs the massage” (disproven) and “he’s stubborn” (he’s just identifying his boundaries), it reeeally makes it seem like you’re trying to make this stuff seem okay. Sorry if that wasn’t the image you intended to portray, but it sure as hell came across that way with the shit you said.
And the reason I apply this to real life is because it’s weird that you’re so adamant on justifying the character’s actions when they’re clearly doing something that’s wrong and would make anyone uncomfortable? I don’t get how you’re perfectly okay with it And attempting to excuse it here but in the same scenario IRL you’d be against it? I’m sorry that me trying to explain why nonconsensual fondling isn’t okay is ruining your reading experience :-( I’m sorry your head is so far up your ass that you think you’re morally decent when you’re cursing out an actual person to defend harassment, fiction or not, because if you enjoy these moments in fiction, that doesn’t have much promise for what you enjoy in real life.
What you put as “bitching and moaning” is me trying to keep shit like this from being normalized, as it often is in yaoi. I’m hoping that it’ll get through one of your thick heads that fondling isn’t okay without consent, in any situation.. but no, apparently to you, that’s “necessary” for a wounded (stabbed) man who only needs a change of bandages. And no, I don’t attack translators for for uploading shit with rape — they don’t control the contents of the story. I only commented on this because usually if there’s rape or noncon in a story, people in the comments recognize that it’s bad? But for some reason in this case, yall were real quick to defend. But anyway, I was wrong to expect anything more from readers like you I guess :-/ Continue with your skewed morals, sorry I ruined your experience so much by trying to point out what was wrong with your logic. I doubt you’ll even read all of this and in the end I doubt it’ll change a single thing in your head but at least I made an attempt lmao sometimes it’s like talking to a brick wall

don't like it, don't read. lmao like for real I know you probably have a lot of free time now giving the world is out of work, but like come on dude find something better todo. This place don't seem to be for you, and there is plenty of manga out there, that is more your level, some happy butterfly shit, where nothing bad happens at all and some lame boring story line.

I'm gonna say this once. So that you and I are clear hoe. Its fiction. These are characters in a story. No one is ok with non-consensual acts in the slightest when it applies to a real life situation. No one gives a fuck about this agenda you are trying to push about me or others not having morals because of a fake ass story. So as much as you are trying to push this "you don't have morals and your logic is skewed" bullshit, doesnt change the fact that no one gives a fuck, GAVE a fuck or continue to care. I'm not ok with you thinking that I'm normalizing this shit at all, most importantly when it applies to real life. So that's that. Take the stick out your ass, keep it moving. Shut the fuck up and enjoy your quarantine. Because I know I am.

i love king’s maker, as i wrote in the comment you didn’t fully read :-) i don’t even have a big problem with reading rape/noncon in fiction, the problem I have is negative IQ asses trying to justify the Clearly wrong actions. Lol if you look at my reading list you’ll know I can handle a good amount of the bs that comes with yaoi tropes. Again, my problem doesn’t lie entirely there but rather when people try to say it’s okay and are telling others to not be upset by it.. sorry that concept is so hard for you to grasp

yeah LMAO i don’t expect people like u to care about me keeping harassment from being justified and excused. Since this is simmering down, I’ll leave you with the fact of the matter which is: in the end, you went ballistic and cursed out a real person to defend your justification for nonconsensual fondling. In the end, you really spent your time defending harassment haha YIKES can’t wait to see where that leads you

"DeFenD HarAsSmenT". Still saying the same shit. No ones defending it. No ones condoning it. I bet you 100% as the chapters progress no ones gonna have trauma over Sys' "massage". But here goes the mediocre lawyer analyzing people's personality over fake ass shit. So had to curse your bitch ass out. Because alot fuck shit came out of your mouth. Like I got a whole 38 likes. And 4 dislikes. At the end of the day people with brains get it. When you're done eating my ass out let me know.
For those that are associating this with rape, please stop. If you pay attention, the only reason Sys is doing this is because Randolph is actually hurt and not taking care of his wounds AT ALL. Randolph is strong and stubborn, and Sys showed that he was strong as well to get him to endure the massage...THAT HE NEEDS...and being cleaned and bandaged thoroughly. Of course Randolph is going to say no, but Sys has no intention of hurting him in anyway. It's like all the character development that's been building means nothing.
Randolph is a stubborn fuck, and hes met Sys...his match. That's it that's all...