I've said this before and I'll say it again

Hana April 23, 2020 9:57 pm

For those who judge this story is BAD BECAUSE THERE IS RAPE OR STALKING ELEMENT IN IT, maybe this kind of story is just NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA cuz if we see it from psychological/romance/comedy points of view objectively, this story is pretty well made and well delivered :) Sometimes it kind of irritates me how some people always judge a story is BAD BECAUSE THERE IS RAPE OR STALKING ELEMENT IN IT without objectively viewing and analyzing the whole construct of the story itself. If rape and such do not make you comfortable, then feel free not to read the kind of story that has such element in it. If you still read it anyway for some reasons, then it's completely fine to quit reading in the middle of the way or skip that part when you start feeling uncomfortable. HOWEVER, I don't think you have the right to judge how good or bad the whole story really is objectively because then your judgement would have been very subjective and might badly affect the opinion of other people who has not read the story.

    SebaSuk April 23, 2020 10:18 pm

    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml is a rapist like, excuse me, but rape is something to take seriously. Of course it's the authors work to tell the story je wants to portrait, but what is wrong to feel disgust to rape?

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:21 pm


    RokoBoko April 23, 2020 10:23 pm
    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml ... SebaSuk

    yessss exactly

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:30 pm
    PERIODT ChewingGum

    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters relationship. I also understand why some ppl feel disgusted by rape because I don’t think anybody would to get rape so Ig
    Anyway I’m not here to lecture anybody so ye

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:31 pm
    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters rel... ChewingGum

    Damn my English isn’t Englishing

    animanija April 23, 2020 10:31 pm

    Agree with you, some people need to take chill pill and stop being so sensitive its just a manga, if you dont like this kind of plot, there is x button.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:06 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    To emphasize what I'm trying to talk about? What else?

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:08 pm
    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml ... SebaSuk

    Well, I hate how several people keep saying "romanticizing yaoi" despite the fact that this kind of twisted trope HAPPENS JUST AS OFTEN as it does in other sex orientations. Maybe you're the one who has only been reading crappy story with rape and such element in it, so that's why you came with such judgement.
    If you read whaf I said before carefully, I never said and never justify rape and such as an okay thing to do. It is not right, it is a crime, it is bad. And I definitely never say that being disgusted of rape and such is wrong. How did you even come up with that idea? What I was arguing was the fact that people who are basically not comfortable with rape and such content SUBJECTIVELY judge a story as a bad one ONLY because there is rape/stalking/abuse or such element in it.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:15 pm
    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters rel... ChewingGum

    Exactly! I completely agree with you! I never said that rape and such is an okay thing to do or something that can be "accepted" by some people. And I never said it's wrong to be sick of it. Heck, it is actually the normal reaction to it. That is why I suggested those kind of people NOT TO READ or QUIT READING or SKIP THE PART THAT MAKE THEM UNCOMFORTABLE if they still choose to read it anyway for some reasons. Cuz a good story doesn't always have "good/happy/fluffy" plot or even happy ending. Therefore, people's rejection of such elements from the beginning would only result in subjective judgement of the wholesome of the story.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:18 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    Totally agree with you! Rape and other kind of abuse is NOT and NEVER OKAY whether irl or in fiction. However, to judge the quality of a story as its wholesome, one cannot possibly do it with rejection of such element from the beginning cuz then it'll only result in subjective judgement.

    Sora April 23, 2020 11:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    I like how to portrayed this (●'◡'●)ノ