understanding the story

emiry April 22, 2020 9:14 pm

i'm getting bits and pieces of what happend but i need some more clarifications

-what happened is mcqueen did something that pissed off ed (i'm not sure what it is but its either the film mcqueen wrote had his intimate scenes with ed or the media ended up snooping on the porn website and ed's videos were exposed)

-ed (is he angry because he was used or he's upset that the porn was leaked...but i thought he didn't care?) said things to mcqueen that a lot of other people have said to him which is along the lines of you're dirty, you use people, porn isn't a mean of art, etc (their relationship is broken but is it because they were so close before that ed's words rlly hurt mcqueen)...did mcqueen love ed at some point...what happened?

-upon the media coverage or movie release chang sees the porn ed did and he finally understands his repressed emotions for ed and starts to become extremely possessive of ed?

-ed's roomate who has a kid...does he still do porn and i'm kind of unsure his backstory and how his and ed's relationship works?

sorry im just confused and want to understand what happens to fully grasp the story

    Anonymous April 22, 2020 9:26 pm

    So from what I understand is that Ed's roommate does not do porn anymore (he quit) and a kid(?) Had a crush on Ed and had his porn on his computer and told Chang not to Snoop on his computer to which Chang did and found the porn then later the media found out about the porn because McQueen was making another CD using Ed's porn making it blow up again and people found it this making Ed forced to come out which is why he was mad bc he got fired and forced out of the closet, which if that isn't bad enough bc he no longer has a job he can't pay off his debt which is why he did porn in the first place. This is why he wanted to apologize but as he said apologizing is hard so he hasn't

    lenword April 22, 2020 11:53 pm

    -glenn did porn about a real life serial rapist, not as in rape fantasy fiction but more like a porn documentary, that, the emotions about ed getting exposed and mcqueen perfectly knowing what would happen is what caused their breakup
    -mcqueen is new to serious relationships so its hard to say but Id say he loves ed, what you should wonder is whether ed truly loves mcqueen, Id say more but spoilers
    -chang's been enduring his feelings for years, watching the porn was like the last straw, he discovered the porn bc of youyu, the beautiful, gorgeous mafia kid, not the media
    -no, he quit, hes trying to get a food truck to support himself and his daughter