Hahaha I passed for it too, but with my mother! If she knew that I read yaoi... Byebye internet. I might be getting a little pananoid when reading, I am seeing eyes everywhere o.O

If my parents knew I read this kind of manga I'm DIED!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps: I'm not obsess with yaoi just to let you guys know!!

One time my dad took my iPad to Korea to get some pictures then I suddenly remembered that I had yaoi scenes so I thought of deleting it but it was too precious so I didn't and put my safari in another place then few days later all of my tabs were deleted and l panicked so much. I Was scared of dad what he could say but he didn't say anything about it. I wonder if doesn't care about it or didn't see any pictures (even though that is nearly impossible)
I remember when my dad asked to see my tablet and I was in a panic to delete any incriminating evidence. I was like, "F#@k! Delete, delete!" Only my sister and her friend know that I read yaoi, but we call it 'political articles' and refer to yaoi as politics. Even if my parents found out, I wouldn't betray my lovely bishies, most certainly not. I've been on this since I was 10. I won't be persuaded easily. I am a fujoshi-fangirl-shipper and I am proud of it!