It was rape, period!!

Neon_Gutz April 21, 2020 8:54 pm

The thing about consent when it comes to sex is this: once the consent has been taken away, anything that happens afterwards is considered rape/sexual assault. Ed said he would fuck Chang, but he most surely did not give consent to being entered. Plus, not only did Ed plead with him to stop, but he hit Chang in order to get away, and he was met with violence and a dislocated shoulder.

And to those saying that Ed lowkey deserved it because he taunted Chang and knew he was a criminal? Ew. Chang is a grown ass man, regardless of his career. That’s like saying a woman deserved to get raped because she was being “flirty” w/ her rapist. Plus, since when did running a criminal organization mean you have to be a rapist too??

    afroluv April 21, 2020 9:08 pm

    Most of the commenters agree it IS rape the issue is so many are getting off on it and squicking others out. And then there are a bunch of folks victim blaming...if Ed could've forseen the consequences of mouthing off he would've stfu.

    Oddly enough no one has pointed out that Ed got paid in advance for his escort services and then said 'so it was consensual' or some such nonsense. Ed did wanna give him a refund.

    Neon_Gutz April 21, 2020 9:17 pm
    Most of the commenters agree it IS rape the issue is so many are getting off on it and squicking others out. And then there are a bunch of folks victim blaming...if Ed could've forseen the consequences of mouth... afroluv

    That’s the thing about “consequences”. I feel like regardless of what Ed did or didn’t say, he would have been raped eventually. One, because this is a yaoi lol, it’s a common trope. Two, because Chang is deeply jealous of Glen and Ed’s relationship, and has displayed multiple times his feelings of entitlement towards Ed. And I’m surprised no one brought up the money either, I guess people understand that you can’t pay for consent. The rape doesn’t disturb me, the victim blaming does

    OpiSin April 21, 2020 9:47 pm

    I'm not reading any further in the comments.
    Because if anyone is victim blaming or in anyway suggesting that Ed didn't REMOVE consent or didn't say he no longer wanted it or stated clearly what position he was at ONE TIME willing to do needs to *urgently* re-educate themselves on consent.

    You could be totally triggering people or falsely leading others.

    Once consent is removed: It. Isn't. Consensual.

    afroluv April 21, 2020 10:01 pm
    That’s the thing about “consequences”. I feel like regardless of what Ed did or didn’t say, he would have been raped eventually. One, because this is a yaoi lol, it’s a common trope. Two, because Chan... Neon_Gutz

    Are you by any chance reading 'why is it you?' If not check out the latest chapter and the comments...

    Im holding back hoping the whole thing was a dream