
littlexmusician April 21, 2020 6:25 pm

I mean it's unnecessary to say your rejecting them 'cause of their looks, but like the uke said, he was young and immature then. As for the seme, since he see it as the uke liking him now just cuz his looks change, I guess his attitude is a little understandable since he really liked him, but it's also petty for a manager.

But I ain't complaining. I like these "Bj Alex", mean boy types semes and misunderstandings

And after seeing the raws....(spoilerish)

It gets really cute! although I don't understand a thing, doesn't seem like there's forced sex etc etc. They just become cute bfs - raws

    Anzhali April 21, 2020 5:34 pm

    Amm !! Were did you get the raws

    Nio April 21, 2020 5:36 pm

    can u pls tell me where to read raws cos i cant find it in toonkr ┗( T﹏T )┛

    fullmetalchibi April 21, 2020 6:04 pm


    Aijou Reina April 21, 2020 6:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Aijou Reina

    I tried making a thread but it keeps disappearing automatically. Found that deep in comments btw

    Riren April 22, 2020 12:33 pm

    Thank you for raw

    BlueberryPie(•ө•)♡ April 27, 2020 2:02 am

    Even tho my Chinese sucks, I'm glad I'm able to understand dis. Nsjsks
    Spoiler ahead
    for both sex scene its not forced. The second one, the seme confessed to the uke but the uke is trying to play hard to get. There's sth def gg on w them! Idek if they are dating tbh cause it seems like it. I think the uke is trying hard to get because he doesn't want to go w the flow so easily. It was like a hell nah I'm not gonna let the moment sweep me type of shit.

    BlueberryPie(•ө•)♡ April 27, 2020 2:03 am
    Even tho my Chinese sucks, I'm glad I'm able to understand dis. Nsjsks Spoiler ahead . . . . . . for both sex scene its not forced. The second one, the seme confessed to the uke but the uke is trying to play ha... BlueberryPie(•ө•)♡

    I'm still at the part where the grandma got admitted into ze hospital!

    BlueberryPie(•ө•)♡ April 27, 2020 2:03 am


    Aijou Reina April 27, 2020 2:30 pm
    Even tho my Chinese sucks, I'm glad I'm able to understand dis. Nsjsks Spoiler ahead . . . . . . for both sex scene its not forced. The second one, the seme confessed to the uke but the uke is trying to play ha... BlueberryPie(•ө•)♡

    Not forced sex. But drunk sex. I just read this one week ago and I can't remember much of the plot xD Time to re-read soon!

    And no, it looks sweet and all, but they have not officially termed their relationship as "Dating", because like you said, uke is playing hard to get because of all the suffering seme put him through.
