Hi dear! uhmmm so I also saw the raws too and I don't understand it either, but given the pictures, I could try my best and help you out a bit if you want? Well, here goes nothin'...
Chapter 54: Ed and Chang still continued having sex. A flashback scene appeared in Chang’s mind about Ed's and Chang's young days. It seems to me that something horrible happened to Ed like a scene where he was kissed by a guy, or a person who has a relationship with. He got into trouble and ended up being in the hospital. Chang visited him and clenched his fist, it’s like he'll avenge him or something. Back to the sex scene, Ed decided to leave afterwards but Chang gave him a ride home.
Chapter 55: When he got back, Ed was surprised to see Glenn waiting for him. After seeing Chang, Glenn smashed the car lights and took Ed out of the car. It seems that Chang whispered something troubling to Ed's ear that startled Glenn. He probably said "thanks for a wonderful night, I enjoyed it" or something. Glenn and Ed talked a bit and Glenn held Ed’s face but, he went inside. The following morning, Ed went out together with Ryan and Cecil, probably to relax and unwind. After, Ed already went to work and talked with his colleague and went home afterwards. While lying on his bed, he received a call from Glenn.
Chapter 56: Glenn is waiting for Ed outside (I find it weird that Glenn has bruises don’t know where that came from). Ed has bandage on his hands (I guess from the broken glass and from the punch). They went to the bar, talked and had a few drinks. After a sincere and long talk, they got back together.
Chapter 57: Ed’s hand seems healed already and looks like he’s going out on a date. Ryan asked him which color of the long-sleeve is better. While dressing, someone knocked at the door and when Ryan opened it, it was Chang. As expected, Ed looked at him with poker face and left him. Chang followed him and he feels like he’s making a fool out of himself, following Ed like an idiot. Still, he followed him and they were talking while walking. It was unexpected that Chang promptly opened the door, and left Ed in awe. Upon opening, the staff and crew from the porn industry were there. As expected of both semes being present, Chang saw Glenn and the latter glared back at him.
Chapter 58: The girl staff (I forgot her name sorry, Jennifer I think? ^_^) kept Ed company, while Chang and Glenn were talking. It seems he made himself invited for some reason and settled in. It looks like the other staff (the chubby guy, forgot the name ^_^) is so fascinated with him. While killing some time, Glenn clung to Ed’s shoulders (well, feeling proud of his boyfriend ^_^) showing Chang that Ed is his, which irked the other guy. After eating and chatting, Chang said something and when Glenn looked at Ed’s face, he seems guilty about something. Now pissed, Glenn left abruptly and followed by Ed. Feeling guilty (I think), Ed explained his side to Glenn, without knowing that Chang also followed them.
Well, the raws is just until chap58, so you can judge it for yourself hahaha ^_^ I hope it was helpful ^_^

Hi Enny, here you go... read this last time... Oh wait let me rephrase it, "saw" not "read" ^_^
I saw the raws but I can’t understand it properly. Does any read korean? Can you spoil me the tiny details please? (=・ω・=)