Clearly I am confused

nerdandgeek April 20, 2020 6:01 pm

Clearly I am confused, and can't understand emotions because... (warning: clearly a rant that I have been holding off)
I understand that Ashira is young but she should know by now what she is doing. When they were talking about the cake, she shouldn't stay quiet, she should have said "of course the cake from his finance is better. (And that ass&ole Eliot shouldn't have opened his mouth to begin with). And you shouldn't take advantage on your position to impose on others. Because when you are visiting a man in a relationship and his girlfriend is there, keep your distance girl.
Aqua is clearly doesn't know how to make business (and that worries me since he is king) if his only business strategy is not making the other party upset. He should know by now that in every business there should be distance. If he did it right she shouldn't feel upset. And if you know that regrecting a cake from a girl, instead of picking the cake from your fiance, is going to upset her its because she likes you. You don't suspect you know, and that's being a di&k. Especially when you know that her last fiance left her and you wanted to step up to the task of taking care of her heart. If you can't keep business and you your new relationship from affecting each other then don't have a relationship.
Although I understand Tiara has been hurt before, and that she has suffered through a game simulation that left her without a fiance, shouldn't she trust Aqua more? In the other relationship the guy was an ass&ole, he didn't want to spend time with her, and he criticized her all the time, but in this relationship he is loving, caring, and listens to her. So I don't thinks it's fair to compare both relationships and think it will go the same way. Especially when in this chapter he tells her that she should say what's on her mind so that he could spoil her, but she sees him fall and she runs away. (And I don't think it would be right to let Ashira fall into the fountain otherwise he wouldn't be the gentleman that Tiara loves, just because she is feeling wronged doesn't mean he gets to be rude. Because to her that means that everything from the game is happening and that he is falling in love. I don't think that running away is the right answer, she should have stayed. If she wants to fight, fight with everything but don't run away when the going gets ruff, trust your relationship enough (and your man) for him to listen to you and reassure you.
I really don't like how she is treating the fairy King. She does the same thing Aqua does. She knows that the Fairy King makes Aqua jealous (she mentioned it like a chapter or two ago) but she still serves him tea and talks to him in her room with the door close alone. It sounds the same thing between Ashira and Aqua: "Since the fairy King is special because of his status she can't tell him to back off" . He is clearly interested in her because he gets close to her, and hugs her and takes her to his kingdom to stay for hours (he stopped her from leaving once) so she should know by now that he is interested in her and put a stop to it. Especially if she doesn't want to hurt Aquas feelings and make him feel the same way she is feeling.
Anyways, my rant is over if you have read up to here thank you, and sorry for the grammar. It has been a long time since I wrote in English.

    DREAMGIRLFRIEND April 20, 2020 6:14 pm

    As much as this makes sense keep in mind that it mixed with an era were relationships doesn’t play a big role when it comes to being noble in royal society, keeping things at piece and in check it the right mindset (like how aqua said if he made her upset then the sea will hate him and it will affect his country) that is why his fiancé is always put in a position where she can’t simply say I’m jealous I don’t want her etc etc

    nerdandgeek April 20, 2020 6:17 pm
    As much as this makes sense keep in mind that it mixed with an era were relationships doesn’t play a big role when it comes to being noble in royal society, keeping things at piece and in check it the right m... DREAMGIRLFRIEND

    True, plus it makes the plot better jaja

    Oliverjoy April 20, 2020 7:27 pm

    You've said everything for me

    YugiYamiAtem April 20, 2020 10:14 pm

    I can understand where you are coming from but you have to remember that Tiara also sees the Fairy King as a source of comfort after leaving off to a foreign land where she doesn't have much of anyone. She was able to freely talk to the Fairy King when they met so to her he is also a good friend. I thought of the situation of, if you have a lover and they are jealous of you being kind to your friend, would you stop being kind to your friend? Its not a one to one comparison but it has a similar tone. You also have to think about how Tiara's not completely lacking in trust of Aqua's love. It's more of the fact that the world seems against her in and is forcing these events to happen. She feels like she is fighting against fate here and that would leave her feeling utterly helpless. Even if she trusts Auqa, how does she know that something won't happen to him to where he doesn't love her anymore, be it magic or just the unstoppable fate that seems to be controlling. This is further cemented by what happened with the fountain. One of the few times she actively try to change what "should" happen ends in failure. It was a mistake for her to know that Aishira was a heroine, because if she didn't know she wouldn't feel as devastated by the uncontrollable.
    I do agree with you that Prince Aqua should have keep a good amount of distance initially but remember that their relationship started before he even met Tiara, for all logical sense he could have been close to her because he would likely marry her after he came back for a political sense. That doesn't excuse any closeness he continues to show after he feel in love with Tiara.
    Honestly they should just talk it out but as said above, love and emotions aren't an easy thing to express in this era over political and social standards. Also part of me wants to believe that the Fairy King is trying to help them to get them to talk about their feelings since humans are stupid and complicated, but who knows~

    plinky25 April 21, 2020 1:02 am

    I agreed with everything you said up until the part about tiara. Not every girl has the confidence to openly say what they want, and even if he told her to let herself be spoiled, it isn’t easy at all. She’s used to holding herself back for years, she can’t really just change in a few hours just cause someone said she should be allowed to say whatever she want. That reminds me of how friendly people would give advice to a shy person by saying: “just talk to more people!” Anyways it’s not as if she’s running away completely, she seemed to just run and leave because she needed space to gather her thoughts and then she’d talk to him later, she was taken away by the fairy king before she could do anything.
    I also understand that it isn’t completely fair that tiara might compare her previous relationship and the last one since they’re both completely different, but it’s honestly human nature to do so. Seeing as she’s learned from her previous relationship, just how bad it could be, she might be able to notice more signs in her future relationship that might be similar. Besides this was also her second relationship, she doesn’t have much experience to go off of for her to know better that every relationship is different. Plus it’s also worrisome for her since her failed relationship has similar traits in her new one, such as both of them being love interests for heroines that aren’t her.
    Oh and I don’t really think it’s unusual to have the door closed while talking to the fairy king, I would understand if it were her bedroom but I think that’s a bit weird seeing as it’s set in a different world other than modern times.
    I feel like serving tea to the fairy king is pure hospitality, it doesn’t mean anything and it’s normal to offer a guest something unless that guest is actually an enemy. She knows how the fairy king thinks of her and she’s already drawn the line by telling the fairy king about how he should act since she has a fiancée in a previous chapter. The fairy king may make aqua jealous but that doesn’t mean that she can just kick him out just cause she knows of that. Aqua also has a feeling that aishira (whatever her name is) makes tiara feel jealous but he also doesn’t fully distance himself cause she’s powerful and may cause harm for the kingdom, it’s the same for tiara towards the fairy king.

    len_nie April 21, 2020 1:16 am

    Damn now this is a rant expressing everything true

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:23 am
    I agreed with everything you said up until the part about tiara. Not every girl has the confidence to openly say what they want, and even if he told her to let herself be spoiled, it isn’t easy at all. She’... plinky25

    I think that sometimes I don't explain myself right. Sorry about that. The thing is that I don't hate Tiara, and I don't think she is weak. However maybe because of the quarantine I am over analyzing things, and I think that they all have a little bit at fault here, making this the super bomb that is the climax.
    I am shy too. And my dad and my mom used to say "just talk to people", but my fear over took me. I think that if you are afraid the person who can over one that is yourself, over come it with the help of others of course (like Aqua helping Tiara) then you can over come it. That is why I so said that Aqua should have pushed the Ashira away and help her.
    Or maybe I am over analyzing things, this quarantine is making me do more than I should instead of enjoying the ride jaja.

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:32 am
    As much as this makes sense keep in mind that it mixed with an era were relationships doesn’t play a big role when it comes to being noble in royal society, keeping things at piece and in check it the right m... DREAMGIRLFRIEND

    I think that the era is a good thing to consider, but I want them to talk
    and have a conversation not saying I don't want her, but saying I am uncomfortable.
    Also I am answering everyone because I have been quarantined for the last 3 weeks and I haven't talked to anyone. So I am not against opinions I just want to talk .

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:33 am
    You've said everything for me Oliverjoy

    Everyone is making this jumble of emotions called climax jaja

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:37 am
    I can understand where you are coming from but you have to remember that Tiara also sees the Fairy King as a source of comfort after leaving off to a foreign land where she doesn't have much of anyone. She was ... YugiYamiAtem

    Hmm after reading you post I am changing opinions about the fairy King. .. But isn't Ashia (?) also a friend of the prince?

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:38 am
    Hmm after reading you post I am changing opinions about the fairy King. .. But isn't Ashia (?) also a friend of the prince? nerdandgeek

    Dam& it I want my emojis to show

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 1:40 am
    Damn now this is a rant expressing everything true len_nie

    Thank you. Every time I see a reply I get excited because I am sort of "talking to someone", being encarcerated for my own good for the last 3 weeks without seeing anyone else has melted my brain a little.

    plinky25 April 21, 2020 1:56 am
    I think that sometimes I don't explain myself right. Sorry about that. The thing is that I don't hate Tiara, and I don't think she is weak. However maybe because of the quarantine I am over analyzing things, an... nerdandgeek

    Yeah, I didn’t think that you hated tiara in anyways. I also think that they all have problems, some more than others (Ashira/aishira whatever idk I never remember her name). I don’t really care much about the fairy king since he’s not even human and I don’t really think he sticks to the usual “human” manners, he just does whatever he wants. But aishira is another problem, i just think it’s annoying how people have to think about how to keep her happy so she won’t cause the sea fairies to destroy the whole kingdom just cause she’s mad or sad. She should know how to control her own emotions especially towards a man who has a fiancé. When the question of whose cake the ML liked better, she shouldn’t be expectant since she already knows one is made by his fiancé and the other she didn’t even make herself, some cook of hers made it. (Oh btw at first I was annoyed as to why Elliot asked that question in the first place cause it sounded as if he only made problems, but he actually only asked to make a cute moment between the ml and the fl. He supports their relationship and probably was expecting the ml to instantly say his fiancé’s cake was better like the maid did). Anyways she annoys me a lot lmao. I thought: “get those blushy, googly eyes away! Stop looking at her mans like that!” as she blushed at the sight of the hot ml. And I got extremely angry when she wiped the ML’s face, I’m like: “he has a fiancé right there thank you very much. Your help is not needed.” Oh and the last thing I thought was: “just let her fall in the fountain, it’s not like she’s gonna die. She gets wet all the time by swimming in the ocean anyways,” lol that last part may be rude but oh well.

    len_nie April 21, 2020 2:12 am
    Thank you. Every time I see a reply I get excited because I am sort of "talking to someone", being encarcerated for my own good for the last 3 weeks without seeing anyone else has melted my brain a little. nerdandgeek

    I feel you the comment section under my current reads has become one of my grasps for sanity in this quarantine. Hope you good though

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 2:14 am
    Yeah, I didn’t think that you hated tiara in anyways. I also think that they all have problems, some more than others (Ashira/aishira whatever idk I never remember her name). I don’t really care much about ... plinky25

    I think that by now she should have learned something, like keeping her distance. That is why I believe she uses her position to impose on others. She clearly knows that everyone is taking care of her but she still makes things awkward. She should tell people to calm down, and she should have a talk with the fairies that although she might get angry she is human and she is bound ato feel sad and angry but they can't act rashly based on that. (I think a good example is the Manga "the white cat that swore vengeance was just lazing on the dragon kings lap"). She should have given her handkerchief to Tiara instead. And she should have said that there is no comparison between their cakes.

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 2:27 am
    I feel you the comment section under my current reads has become one of my grasps for sanity in this quarantine. Hope you good though len_nie

    Yeah I am fine, I do have my family (now that we have to be quarantined might as well be together right?) but I would like to see MORE jaja

    YugiYamiAtem April 21, 2020 4:19 am
    Hmm after reading you post I am changing opinions about the fairy King. .. But isn't Ashia (?) also a friend of the prince? nerdandgeek

    Lol basically what they just said, but also the prince isn't in the same position as Tiara since he is in his element, his land. His can't use Ashira as a comfort excuse since he is at home with the bonus of his ladylove. Granted you could argue that she is his only friend in the political world and that should make him feel better but he is in actuality always on his guard around her. Then it just loops back around to my first argument. Hope ya doing good in quarantine, keep at it, you are doing a great service by staying home for those who can't!

    nerdandgeek April 21, 2020 4:45 am
    Lol basically what they just said, but also the prince isn't in the same position as Tiara since he is in his element, his land. His can't use Ashira as a comfort excuse since he is at home with the bonus of hi... YugiYamiAtem

    I don't think he uses her for comfort, I think it is easy for him since he doesn't have to answer to things. And that makes him a bit of a coward. I don't think it is his only friend, I believe Eliot is also his friend. And if they are friends he should be able to talk freely with her. Ithank you, I have a cousin that is a nurse, and since she is doing the best she can I will do my part.