It's not bad, at all, but I wish it would've been written better. I don't know if it's the...

vaneella April 20, 2020 6:49 am

It's not bad, at all, but I wish it would've been written better. I don't know if it's the translation that is awkward or the author writing style itself. There is an effort to make the characters seem "layered" but it only results in half-baked, surface-level "deep". We never know how Jungho really feels about his situation, with abusive dad and comatose mom. He only realized "I'm happy I'm not the only one bad, i want your acknowledgement" and even with that it's kinda sudden too.

We also never have any closure with the "good boy issue" Chaewon has. Will he stop being a pushover? Will he come true to his mom? Will both of them be bad together? How does either of them influence one another through this relationship, is something that I think is heavily underdeveloped in the story. It feels like it's only "hey this is our secret, I know you, you know me" for the whole 24 chapters.

Again, it's a decent read and it's not bad at all. But I know that the author had potential to make this even better, and a better writing would complement an already stunning artwork. It's just, with this genre and the promising premise, it left something to be desired.
